Fang it!

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Shane P.O.V.

Me and tally sat perched on a tree branch over looking Washington. It was beautiful. The gloomy sky and cold air made it very pretty to be honest. "Hey Shane look." Tally said pointing to some bushes rustling. We got in our attack stance, ready to strike. We were being extra quiet. Then Tyler, ash, nick, and Nikki come out of the bushes laughing. Ash was pointing ahead of them. She put her finger up to her mouth to silence the others. I looked at her peculiarly. She sniffed the air and pointed left. They all ran off towards that direction. "That was weird." I said. Tally nodded in agreement. We jumped down from the tree and began running home. We got there and my parents were sitting there. "There's wolfs." My father stated. "Where?" I asked. "I don't know. They are new though. We know that." My mother replied. Tally shrugged and ran up stairs. I sat on the couch and watched some random tv show. I guess I had fallen asleep because when I looked at the time, it was already 4 am. By the way, vampires do sleep. It's a stereo type that we don't. Anyways....I sighed and turned off the tv. I walked upstairs and everyone was sitting on the balcony. I walked out. It was dead silent. Tally turned towards me with tears in her eyes. I pulled her in the house and shut the door quietly. "What's going on?" I whispered. "They killed Colleen." She replied. Colleen was her sister. We'll step sister. "Who did?." I asked. She wiped her eyes and became angry. "Those wolves...the ones your mother was talking about.." She hissed. I bit my lip to suppress the welling anger. "Come on tally I'll take you home." I said. "No. My parents are already here." She said. Sure enough her parents jumped on the balcony. Me and tally walked back out and her mom was crying. "Once I find those wolves...ill kill them.! I'll rip their heads off!" She cried into tally dad's shoulder. It got silent again and we heard a wolf howl. I was angry. I jumped off the balcony and ran towards the direction of the howl. I ran until I reached this little old cabin. I stopped and watched silently. I seen a wolf walking in the front yard then it disappeared. I snarled and I felt a cold pair of hands on my shoulders. "Don't..." Jake, my friend, said. He had black hair and it swept to the side. Him and his friends always talked me and tally out of trouble. I sighed. We ran back to the house. Everyone was off the balcony now and waiting for us. Tally seen me and ran to me and hugged me. "That was dangerous! So dangerous!" She exclaimed then pulled away and smirked. I chuckled. My mom was tapping her foot so hard on the ground that it was creating a hole. I smiled innocently. "Room. Now!" She growled. I sighed and jumped up on my balcony and into my room. I heard someone jump onto my balcony. I turned to seem Andy standing there. "Hey." I said softly. "Hey...what did you think you were doing? You could have gotten killed! Do you think we would be able to live if you did.?" He asked. I groaned and fell on my bed. "Andy... I was angry...CC's girlfriend is dead! My friend is Gone! I was upset and I wanted and still want revenge. Whoever these wolves are...I don't know...I want them dead...they wanted a war and they got one." I said and turned towards him. His tall lanky pale body was sprawled out on my bed. His icy blue eyes peering into mine. "Shane..."tally interrupted. I turned towards her. "We have school in two hours." She reminded me. I nodded and stood up. She smiled and walked out. I grabbed Andy's hand and pulled him up. Him being the clumsy fuck he is, he fell on top of me. "Andy we have school. Get off me you fat ass so I can go take a shower." I playfully joked. He chuckled and pecked my cheek before standing up and helping me up. "Andy! Come on bro! We have school!" We heard Jinxx call. Andy sighed. "Stay out of trouble Shane..." He said. I nodded. He glared at me. "I mean it.!" He said and jumped out of my window. I watched as him, jake, Jinxx, and a depressed CC ran into the forest. I went to my bathroom and hopped in the shower after undressing. I took a quick shower and got out. I wrapped a towel around my body and walked into my room. I changed into a black v-neck and light washed skinny jeans. I put on socks and my black converse and then I did my make up. I finished and then I brushed my hair and blow dried it. I straightened it quickly and grabbed my purse and keys. I walked downstairs. Everyone was there, including tally's family. They stayed over since 4 this morning because of Colleen of course. Tally was ready. She looked angry, not depressed. We got in my car and I drove to school. "When's your car getting out of the shop.?" I asked. Tally's face lit up. "Today after school. I'm so excited!" She exclaimed. "I laughed and parked in the school parking lot. Me and tally grabbed our bags and got out of my car. Everyone moved out of our way as we walked inside the school. We got to our lockers and I opened mine. It smelt like wet dog in the whole school. I sprayed some perfume on me and tally did the same to herself. I closed my locker only to see Tyler's face. He was smirking at me. "Hey." I said with a smile. "Hey, so it's Friday...we were all wondering of you wanted to come to a party tonight at my house." He said and gestures towards him and his friends when he said 'we'. Tally blushed when her and Nikki made eye contact. I smirked and nodded. Ashley smiled and then they walked off. Tyler walked back and handed me a piece of paper then he kissed my hand. I opened the paper once he walked away. I seem his number. I blushed and tally looked like she seen a ghost or something. "Tally what's wrong?" I asked. "N-nothing.. I just got this weird feeling in my stomach. I'm probably just hungry..." She said. "Skip school and feed. You can't just sit in a school of humans. I fed last night before we hung out so I'm good. I'll see you later. Be careful though. I'm serious.." I said. She smiled weakly and nodded. I handed her my car keys and she left quickly. I continued onto my first class. Theres this strange feeling inside me too, but it's not the feeding time feeling. Something different. I can't quite put my fang on it...

(Haha, get it...

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