Epilogue: Pt. 3

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Little saints, I think this is the end.

Thank you for the votes and comments and the love and the silent readers. I love you all. So so much.


"Guess what your awesome daughter just did?" Jennie asked Chitthip as she continued to arrange the flowers she brought for her around her grave.

"I know you know, but I'm still going to tell you mom, even though I know you've been watching over her this entire time." Jennie said as she sat cross legged in front of Chitthip's grave like she usually did when she came to visit and talked to her. "I know I always ask you every time I visit, but I hope its still okay if I call you that. Lisa said it was so I do. I just want to honor you I guess. You deserve that title because you made my perfect wife. You were a perfect mom to her. Thank you for that by the way, for making her, I'd be so lost and miserable without her. She saved me mom."

Jennie smiled as she touched the picture she printed out of Chitthip, like she always did for when she could come back to her hometown because the weather of course always wore the old ones out so she always had to replace them.

"You were so beautiful. I see where my Lili got her looks from," Jennie whispered as she caressed the picture.

"Our little hero." Jennie said as she set the picture in the frame and put it over her grave. "I wish I had met you. Lisa's told me stories of course but I wish I could have witnessed how formidable you were to create the love of my life and make her so perfect."

Jennie fixed the old withering flowers in front of her as she talked.

"She's mad at me right now." Jennie giggled. "Sort of, she's been all pouty because I told her I had to stay an extra day and she thinks I would really choose my job over her birthday tomorrow. I lied of course, I'm coming home to her tonight. You know I like to tease her sometimes because she gets all cute and she loves to act hard but she's really a big softie and I just can't help it, it's just so adorable to see.

Anyway, I just didn't want her to know my surprise. I have so many things to tell you and I really only took the case the Parks offered me so I could come here and tell you first, about my surprise and about everything she has accomplished.

My Lili, your baby was recruited to the National Intelligence Service, remember I told you? Just after a year of being a rookie cop, and you know how impressive that was. I honestly don't think its happened before until Lisa did it.

Anyway, now she's an agent, and she got partnered with that one cop that arrested Lisa so many times. Jackson? Yeji's friend. The guy who only arrested Lili at first to see if she might straighten out but she never did and he even let her go that last time, thank god, because she really messed that man up that time and she would have probably been in jail forever over that.

He's still dating Jessi by the way, she and Jackson are super in love. How crazy, the world is so small. The fact he was good friends with Yeji and ended up with Jessi and had arrested Lisa before we all realized we knew each other.

He still believed in Lisa, despite having to arrest her. He's the one that tried getting her to be a cop in the first place and then he went into the N.I.S and tried to get her recruited there too because Lisa excelled at being a good cop and of course they did recruit her once he showed them everything she accomplished because Lisa's just too good at anything she does when she loves it.

I know she was making a joke when we had first talked about it but I guess she really did go to superhero college because after she went on her first assignment they were already talking about promoting her.

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