Epilogue: Pt 2

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Jennie couldn't tell you how many times she ended up curling into Jisoo the year she had to leave Lisa, crying about how much she missed her as Jisoo held her own tears back because it was so hard to live without her chipmunk near her.

She always held them in until she was alone and then cried her eyes out too because it was so so hard not to be able to even hug her, to be near her and at least hold her hand or lay on her lap while she absentmindedly played her games and Chaeyoung would either be singing or stroke her hair and watch and encourage Jisoo to win whatever dumb game Jisoo was playing and rewarding her with kisses whenever Jisoo would inevitably win.

It was too hard, especially since this had been the longest in her entire life that she wasn't next to Chaeyoung. They'd known each other their whole lives and pretty much spent every waking moment together ever since they met so the physical distance was incredibly hard. It was taxing and it took a toll on the both of them. The stress she saw mirrored on Chaeyoung's face when she finally got to see her was evident.

Jisoo and Chaeyoung had gone through the same struggle of having to be apart for that whole year too, but they hung on somehow, doing the best they could to reach out to each other as much as they could, just like Lisa and Jennie had. They spent most nights falling asleep to each other on the phone and Jisoo tagged along with Jennie any time they could afford it or they had a break to go see Chaeyoung and Lisa.

Seulgi and Irene on the other hand, broke up a few months after Irene graduated. She had been the first one to leave their hometown, since she was the oldest.

The way they had fallen apart had been a bit of a trigger for why Jennie and Lisa had fought so much when it was Jennie's turn to graduate because they didn't want that for themselves and of course their biggest trigger had been that they would miss each other too much.

Irene couldn't take the long distance thing and neither could Seulgi, though neither of them started dating again because they missed each other so much.

They were still in love with each other but it was too hard because they would fight when one of them took too long to text back or when one of them felt like the other was being neglectful, their insecurities getting in the way and not believing that they both wanted to talk to each other but sometimes they just couldn't and there were way too many misunderstandings and it was ruining their relationship so they mutually, and very reluctantly, agreed that they should just break up, because it just wasn't working anymore and they fought more than they agreed on anything.

They were spending half of the already very little time they had to talk to each other trying to explain themselves and arguing over whose fault it was and it just had to end at that point.

Seulgi didn't even have the desire to start sleeping around again either. She tried once. She saw a girl that was just her type on one of the nights that she went out with Ryujin and Lisa.

They had picked up their old habit of going to the gay club or to that dive bar on the outskirts of town and getting wasted because they missed their girls so much they needed to do it sometimes so they could numb the pain out or they could pretend they were actually having fun for once without them even though they weren't. They had their moments, but for the most part they were just going through the motions.

Even Chaeyoung went most of the time, though it was probably mostly just so she could watch out for them and make sure they weren't too reckless like they tended to be. Seulgi figured Jennie probably had something to do with that because Lisa of course always told her when they were going out and she could just imagine Jennie furiously texting Chaeyoung to keep an eye out for her wife and make sure she didn't get too drunk.

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