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Jennie had every intention of asking her friends why they were talking to Lisa that morning but she couldn't because there were always people around and she was still kind of thinking about the belt and how much it would hurt if he caught wind of Lisa.

She found herself picking at her food during lunchtime and not talking to anybody. She had been doing well enough, ignoring them. They kept trying to get her to talk but she just kept shrugging them off and eventually Rosie stopped making them try to pull her into the conversation which kind of surprised Jennie because usually Rosie was the one that was the most adamant about getting Jennie to open up.

Rosie had only done it because they were all worried about her and she didn't want to add to the stress of her parents, neither did the other two, they all left Jennie alone figuring she was upset about them and needed space.

Jennie was fine, really. Up until she looked up and noticed Lisa was flirting with one of the cheerleaders. She dropped her chopsticks. She stood up angrily and walked out and her friends asked where she was going but she ignored them. Jennie was so angry she didn't even realize Lisa had noticed her leave the cafeteria.

Jennie was pissed and she really didn't care anymore. It was too much, first her father and now Lisa. She grabbed a pen and a paper from her locker and wrote a note. She dropped it in that cheerleader's boyfriend's locker and then stormed off.

Lisa approached Jennie's lunch table right after she watched Jennie leave.

"What's wrong with the little saint? Why did she just storm out looking like an angry kitten?" She asked, looking at all of Jennie's friends in turn.

None of them could really answer her because they had all stopped bugging Jennie to talk to them.

Irene had been too busy trying to ignore the looks she was getting from this girl that was in one of her classes who she found kind of hot because she really needed to think and focus on Jennie's situation so she had stopped glancing over at Jennie since the girl was sitting towards that side.

Rosie and Jisoo had been too wrapped up in each other again trying to talk with their eyes about Jennie's situation as well so no one had noticed why Jennie had left them all of a sudden. They had all just witnessed her storm off just like Lisa had.

Lisa felt the eyes of the rest of the cafeteria on her. This was the second time Lisa had approached their group today and she knew everyone must be curious as to why. Especially considering it hadn't gone unnoticed by anyone that Lisa had never been angry with them and had never tried to sleep with any of them either.

Lisa didn't even care that she was attracting so much attention, she needed to figure out what happened with Jennie. She was on edge after their conversation this morning as they all tried to figure out how to keep Jennie safe.

"Did she say anything to you guys this morning?" Lisa asked them anxiously. She had confessed to them about Jennie having been with her the night before and that Jennie's dad had called her about her curfew.

"We were too busy trying to distract her from the fact she caught us talking to you." Irene answered.

"Why would you have to distract her from that?" Lisa asked curiously.

Rosie shook her head. Lisa was so clueless it was ridiculous.


"She doesn't want us telling you she likes you, obviously." Jisoo said dryly.

"I mean I kind of already knew that? She used to have a crush on me but now we're just fuck buddies."

Irene facepalmed. She was surrounded by couples who wouldn't admit they were couples, this was getting ridiculous. First Jisoo and Rosie and now Lisa and Jennie. Maybe she should try to talk to that girl from her class so she could get in a relationship and lead by example. She was the oldest out of all of them and they were all clearly in need of someone to help them understand how it all works and it was kind of her duty to do that. She looked over at the girl and found her already staring at her and Irene smiled when she looked away when Irene caught her.

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