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Don't forget to read 13!


Jisoo tended to stop by unannounced at Rosie's place all the time. She had a key to her house and everything. Rosie's parents had made it for her. She walked down to the basement, holding the takeout food she had brought for Rosie. There was a new chicken place in town and Jisoo wanted them to try it.

She dropped the chicken as soon as she walked in and caught them.

"Limario, what the fuck are you doing hitting on my woman?" She asked angrily, looking at their compromising position. Lisa's face was super close to Rosie's and she was holding it, looking like she was about to kiss her blonde.

"Your woman? You guys are dating?" Lisa looked between them, pulling away.

Rosie was blushing because of what Jisoo said. Jisoo would have blushed too if she wasn't so angry at what she had just witnessed.

"Keep your womanizing hands off of her!" Jisoo ran down the stairs.

She shoved Lisa farther into the couch.

"Wait, hold on, it's not what it looks like!" Lisa said.

Jisoo didn't listen. Too angry, too jealous that someone might be touching Rosie.

"Okay it was almost what it looks like but I was just trying to prove a point!" Lisa rambled, she was still reeling from the revelation that she had actual feelings for Jennie.

Jisoo made a fist.

"I like Jennie!" Lisa blurted out when Jisoo almost hit her. "I didn't realize it but I like Jennie and so I was going to kiss Rosie because I didn't want to admit I liked her but I guess I kind of do and I couldn't and Rosie wouldn't have let me kiss her anyway."

Jisoo still wound up, ready to hit Lisa until Rosie touched her gently on the shoulder to keep her from doing it. Jisoo stopped when she saw the look on Rosie's face.

"We'll finish this talk tomorrow." Rosie told Lisa.

Lisa nodded, walking away silently. It's not like she hadn't been punched before, she could have taken it. Jisoo was Jennie's friend so she wouldn't have fought back at all but she figured it was better to leave the whole thing to Rosie and Lisa really needed to think about the fact that she had actual feelings for Jennie.

"Your woman?" Rosie asked once Lisa had left.

Jisoo finally realized just what she had done, what she had said.

"Um—I just thought she was taking advantage of you." Jisoo said sheepishly. Jisoo felt hot in the face. She couldn't even look at Rosie.


"I'm sorry chipmunk. Sorry for interrupting. I can go." Jisoo walked so fast she was at the bottom of the stairs before Rosie could even reply.

"Jisoo, stop please."

Jisoo stopped. She could never not listen to Rosie.

"Have we really just been practicing kissing?" Rosie asked.

Jisoo felt like running as fast as she could now, she felt caught.

"Yes?" She said, not turning around.

Rosie sighed. "I want to stop practicing."

Jisoo panicked, turning around sharply.

"Wait, no. I think we still need it. I still need practice." Jisoo begged, not wanting to let her go yet.

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