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In case you wanna know the song I was listening to and that came on during the very bottom of the chapter for jenlisa. Give it a listen.


Lisa bugged Chaeyoung every single day asking about what she thought of her ideas for her and Jennie's date on Saturday. Chaeyoung being Chaeyoung happily listened and gave her feedback each time. As long as Lisa came up with the ideas herself Chaeyoung was content to help.

Lisa planned many different scenarios. She couldn't decide on one despite Rosie's feedback so she ended up narrowing the date down to a date with multiple parts. Lisa didn't know if that's really how dates worked but Chaeyoung assured her Jennie would love whatever she decided to do anyway.

The toughest part was going to be how to convince Jennie's dad to let her out of the house for long enough to even go on the date with Lisa and then not getting caught around town doing just that.

Eventually they decided Jennie would go over to Rosie's, feigning needing to do a project so that Lisa could pick her up for their date.


"Alright so what do I do again?" Lisa asked.

"You ring the doorbell." Ryujin said. "You tell her how you think she looks and give her those flowers you got her."

"Okay and then what?" Lisa worried again.

"You drive her to the first part of your date." Ryujin reassured her. Drilling her yet again, amused. As if Lisa hadn't gone over this the whole week herself. Ryujin had even caught her watching rom coms during lunch multiple times and taking notes over them as if they were some kind of romance master class and Lisa didn't study for anything ever. Except Jennie apparently. Ryujin found it cute. Seulgi teased her relentlessly.

"Kay. Right. I can do that right?" Lisa asked apprehensively.

"You've been driving since you were thirteen dude." Seulgi said, rolling her eyes.

"I got arrested though." Lisa pointed out.

"Well don't get arrested this time. Might ruin the date." Seulgi teased.

"Oh god what if I do get arrested?" Lisa panicked.

"You won't." Ryujin reassured her. "She's kidding."

"I mean sort of." Seulgi said.

Ryujin shoved her.

"I'm just saying! If she gets arrested it would really put a damper on the date!" Seulgi defended herself.

"She won't get arrested though, stop freaking her out. She's nervous enough as it is." Ryujin scolded her. Sometimes she wondered how she was the youngest out of all of them considering how they acted. "We're supposed to encourage her man."

"Right. You're right. Don't get arrested dude." Seulgi nodded to Lisa, trying to be encouraging.

"Don't get arrested. Kay." Lisa nodded back.

Ryujin facepalmed.

"How do I look?" Lisa asked nervously.

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