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This may end up being a double update but maybe not, I'll do my best!


The Parks were good at their job. They finally managed to emancipate Jennie from her parents. Thanks to the police officer being witness to Pastor Kim chasing Jennie, along with the bruises Mrs. Park submitted from the belt that Jennie sustained after Pastor Kim tried to kidnap her, the judge figured they had reasonable doubt enough to question whether she was truly safe in her home with her parents.

Unfortunately, the evidence wasn't enough to arrest Pastor Kim for physically hurting his child but at least Jennie was safe now, for the most part, she didn't have to go back to them. She was lucky she was finally out of their clutches. They couldn't use the law to bring her back to their home or throw her in that camp again.

Jimin got lucky in a different way. Jennie's trial against her father's conversion therapy camp got a lot of media attention from their small town, even before the trial even started, the whole town knew about it by now.

Jimin was working at Bambam's when his parents came in to the restaurant. His smile faded as soon as he saw them, he was ready to bolt, figuring they'd just try to throw him back in there. Instead his mother ran up to hug him and immediately fussed over him and asked him if that man had touched him too.

They talked. Jimin still didn't trust them so he didn't want to move back home despite their pleas begging him to go home with them but his parents seemed to be a little more understanding than before because they promised not to force him to come home as long as he promised to come to dinner with them once a week.

Jimin reluctantly agreed. At least they were trying. He also had a few laughs when he told his father he had found a boyfriend at the camp they sent him to be fixed at and that his boyfriend was in jail now. He watched him try not to yell, attempting to nod politely as his mother asked about Jimin's new boyfriend. They both cringed as Jimin told them about Taehyung but Jimin could tell they were at least trying to be accepting for once, fighting the beliefs that had been ingrained into them their entire lives.

Lisa hadn't been as lucky. She'd been in jail six months already. It was her own fault really. She had been arrested too many times already and brought to the police station more times than she could count for skipping school and to the judge it made her look like a menace to society. Her rap sheet included a car theft and a joy ride when she was thirteen, two assault charges, arson, underage drinking, and the fact she was always brought in for truancy, despite not getting arrested for that part, so it was no wonder Mr. Park was having a hard time getting her out of jail.

It was an election year, and the judge overseeing her case was hellbent on running on a "tough on crime" campaign so even Mr. Park, who was probably the best lawyer in all of Korea behind Mrs. Park, hadn't been able to get her out yet. Lisa didn't worry too much though, once Jennie's trial was over she knew she'd be out of this place.


The trial was going to begin today and Jennie just had to see Lisa before she went through with it. Irene drove them to the prison. They all visited Lisa quite often, as often as they were allowed which was at least once a week. Jennie was just grateful the trial fell on a Friday so she could visit Lisa beforehand.

Jennie almost ran to the phone as soon as they were let into the visitation room by a corrections officer.

"Lili I missed you." Jennie said immediately.

Lisa grinned. "I missed you too little saint. How are you doing baby?"

Jennie looked down, "I'm nervous, I wish you could be there with me."

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