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Issa double 😌


"Baby? Babe? Wake up!" Lisa said in a panic, shaking a passed out Jennie in her arms.

"Rosie!" Lisa shouted frantically for her friend as she continued to try and wake Jennie up. "Rosie help me!"

Chaeyoung ran into the bathroom a second later, the panic in Lisa's voice when she screamed her name making her rush there.

"What's wrong?" Chaeyoung asked as she took in the scene of a passed out Jennie being held by Lisa in her basement bathroom. "What happened Lis?" Chaeyoung said as she kneeled next to them.

"She just passed out." Lisa said frantically, still trying to shake Jennie awake. "Our baby Rosie! She said something about our baby!"

"What?" Chaeyoung asked, already dialing for an ambulance on her phone as their other friends rushed into the bathroom too, hearing the commotion. "Baby?"

"Save our baby!" Lisa shouted desperately. "Save her! Save Jennie and our baby Rosie! Please! We're having a baby and now Jennie's sick! Help me Rosie! What do I do? How do I fix it? She can't be like this or we'll lose our baby! I'll lose her too! Wake her up Rosie!"

Suddenly Chaeyoung realized what must have just happened. She figured it out after Lisa pleaded her. Jennie had a miscarriage. Jennie had been pregnant with Lisa's baby and she just lost it.

Chaeyoung didn't have the heart to break it to Lisa yet, who looked completely devastated as she held Jennie, hugging her to her chest and crying. She couldn't tell her Jennie had lost the baby yet.

Chaeyoung gave the address to her house to the ambulance over the phone and the medics rushed to take Jennie away a few minutes later.

Lisa was hysterical.

She'd had to be held back by Jisoo, Ryujin, and Seulgi so Lisa didn't chase after them as they took Jennie away. They wouldn't let anyone go in the ambulance with them because they were all minors and Lisa was furious.

"She better be okay when I get there or I'll come after you! You fucking bastards!" Lisa shouted after them, grabbing her keys so she could follow behind the ambulance.

Chaeyoung touched her arm gently, holding her back and making Lisa stop.

"What the fuck Rosie! Let me go. I have to go see her!" Lisa protested, ripping her arm away.

"I know Lis. I'll drive you though. You can't go like this." Chaeyoung urged. Her friend was entirely too hysterical right now to be able to drive safely.

"The hell I can't!" Lisa shouted, shoving past her.

Jisoo snatched the keys away from Lisa after Lisa walked a few paces away and Lisa leveled a menacing look at her, looking like she was ready to fight.

"Do as your told and get in the fucking car Limario." Jisoo shouted at her. Not wanting Lisa to hurt herself either because at this rate Lisa would speed to the hospital and get in a wreck. "Listen to your Unnie and do what I fucking say!"

Something about Jisoo's commanding tone finally made Lisa deflate.

"Just take me to her please. She's hurt. Our baby might be hurt too." Lisa said, feeling like crying again. "Take me to her please."

"Come on." Jisoo said simply, grabbing Lisa's arm and shoving her into the backseat of Lisa's own car. Chaeyoung followed behind, sitting in the backseat with Lisa too so she could hug and hold Lisa, trying to comfort her.

"We'll be right behind you." Irene told Jisoo as she let her girlfriend into her car too.

"Is it okay if we come too?" Yeji asked. She'd grown attached to all of them by now and she was super worried about Jennie and she knew Ryujin was too.

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