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I am so fucking sorry this took me so long to update. I know this is long, long, looooong overdue!

A lot of you lovely readers were asking me to update this and I failed you for not being quicker but better late than never?

Though never late is better right! 😅

Love me!


Lisa gave up on Mario Kart eventually, content on watching them play, she watched Jennie mostly though. Lisa was so far gone for her now and she knew it. There was no turning back.

Jennie caught her eye a couple of times and blushed when she caught Lisa staring. Lisa had no shame though, she didn't look away and she loved the way Jennie got even more flustered.

They eventually quit the game once everybody except Rosie got tired of Jisoo beating everyone. The only time Jisoo got second place was when Rosie was playing too and Jisoo would let her win.

"Alright I'm done." Seulgi said, throwing the controller in frustration as she watched Jisoo slow down at the finish line to wait for Rosie again. "Whipped."

Jisoo would have retorted if she hadn't received a giggle and a kiss from Rosie. She shrugged instead, content.

"What now? Since you losers can't keep up with me?" Jisoo said smirking.

Seulgi looked at the bar in awe, noticing it for the first time. She hadn't seen it when she had come in. She had been too nervous thinking about meeting Irene's friends initially and then she got into her competitive mode when they started playing Mario Kart that she didn't pay much attention to everything else.

"Your dad trusts you with this much liquor in the house?" Seulgi looked to Rosie as she asked.

Rosie giggled.

"Her dad bought those for her, he asks her permission to take them when he wants to drink." Jisoo answered for Rosie in an amused tone.

"No fucking way. Can your parents adopt me, also, why aren't we drinking then if you're totally allowed?"

"No drinking." Lisa said forcefully.

Seulgi's mouth dropped. Lisa had never refused liquor in her life, especially when it was free. She'd gone with Lisa to the club enough times to know that. Sometimes Lisa accepted drinks from really sketchy people and Seulgi or Ryujin had to rip them away so she wouldn't get dosed or something.

Seulgi walked over to put her hand on Lisa's forehead so she could feel if she had a fever.

"Who are you dude?" Seulgi asked seriously, retracting her hand back when she felt Lisa's temperature was normal.

Lisa shook her head and nonchalantly sat on the couch.

"Seriously, am I the only one that thinks Lisa is possessed now? She didn't even slap my hand away when I touched her." Seulgi added incredulously. She had fully expected Lisa to slap her when she touched her forehead but Lisa had just walked away calmly instead.

"I'm a changed woman." Lisa shrugged.

"First you stop fucking everything that moves and now you don't want to drink?" Seulgi teased, "You're not even Lisa anymore you're a whole different person."

Lisa started squirming a bit in her seat so Rosie decided to save her.

"None of us really drink in the house because Jennie isn't allowed."

"You guys can totally drink. I don't mind." Jennie said shrugging. "Really. I hate that you guys are always having to miss out on things because of me."

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