First day- Part Twenty-Eight

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𝐈 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐎 my mom skating me awake at 6:30 in the morning.

"Wake uppp!!" She said continuing to shake me

"I'm up!" I said sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Why is it so early" I said slurred from being tired out of my mind.

"Because! You need some time to get ready for your first day!" She said somehow energetic already.

"Alright, Im goin" I said getting up from my bed.

She looked proud then walked out of my room, letting me get dressed .

I got dressed into a normal outfit, just more put together than my usual, and packed all my stuff, brushed my teeth etc, etc.. then me and my mom walked out the door, so she could drive me to school.

She told me to pay close attention so that I know which way to go when I'm walking here tomorrow, so I kept my eyes glued on the road, trying to look for key things I can use to memorize it.

We finally got there, and I started getting nervous, I usually never get nervous with first days because I went to the same school the year before but not only is this a new school it's a new TOWN. I have no clue how these people act, especially the teachers.

"Hey, you good?" My mom asked m

"Yeah, just nervous" I replied

"Don't worry, if someone's a bitch to you, call me, and I'll beat their ass" she said half-joking.

"You'll get arrested for that" I said laughing

"Worth it" she said smiling

"Okay, have a great day!" She continued

"I'll try" I said smiling at her, getting out of the car.

I saw that people were waiting by the front entrance for school ti start, so I just stood somewhat away from the group of people that looked like the popular ones.

I heard someone call my name and I looked in that direction and saw Angie and Danny walking towards me, Danny falling behind because Angie was running up to me.

"Hey y/n!" She said once she got to me

Danny caught up to her and said "was in necessary to sprint?" He said out of breath.

"Very" she replied smiling

I laughed a bit.

" what classes do you have?" She asked me

"Absolutely no clue, I haven't gotten the paper yet" I said, a confused look grew on her face

"That's weird, they normally mail them to people addresses so you can have the paper or whatever, but i would just go to the office once we get in"

And after she said that the bell rang and people started walking into the building.

"Do you want me to walk with you to the office" Angie asked me

"That'd be great thanks" I said smiling at her.

Danny walked with us to the office door, then parted ways and went to where he needed to be.

I walked in and asked the lady if I could get the paper for my schedule. She asked me for my name, the was aggressively typing on her computer, then said " it'll take me a little while to print the paper so after this class you come back here and pick it up okay?" she explained, I gave her a confused look.

"I don't know what class I have?" I said, trying to make it clear for the second time

She let out a heavy sigh "room 124, Mrs.smiths room. She's your home room class"

"Ok, thanks" I said

Once we got out of the office I said"Jesus Christ did she have a stick up her ass or something?" While laughing a bit

"Nah shes always like that" she replied smiling

We parted ways once we left and I searched for the class she told me to go to, I found the class and walked in, the second I walked in the bell rang, I hope she wouldn't count that as late.

"Perfect timing! Y/n right?" Mrs.smith said to me

"Yeah" I said, feeling awkward with the amount of people staring at me.

"You can sit over next to..." she said pausing and looking around.

"Frankie!" She said smiling

"Frankie raise your hand" she said

I looked around and saw a girl, which surprised me slightly, gong the name, but honestly I thought that name suited a girl.

I walked over and sat in the chair next to her.

She was wearing a black beanie, baggy jeans, and a hoodie, she had dark red hair, she seemed really cool.

I didn't say anything to her though, normally I was able to read personalities, but with her I couldn't seem to get anything off her.

Once mrs.smith saw me sit down she said "okay! There's not much to say today so move around, talk with people, do whatever" she said walking to her desk and starting to work as people started to sand up and talk with others, even the girl sitting next to got up and went to someone fork across the room.

I decided to play it safe and just started to draw random things on the desk in front of me, not too big though, so I can erase it shortly after.

I heard someone walk up to me so I looked up and saw a guy standing in front of my desk.

"Hey" he said

"Hi" I said, continuing to draw on the desk

"Do you have a boyfriend or something?" He said laughing

"Yeah actually." I said getting more annoyed the more he spoke.

He looked around "I don't see him?"

"Fuck off" I replied

"Woah there, calm down , and besides I'm sure I'm better than whoever he is" he said

Jesus Christ can he tone down his fucking ego?

"Your not." I said, not looking up at him

"I am" he said, really pissing me off

"Can you leave me the fuck alone and take a god damn hint" I said finally looking at the dude

"Only if I can see this boyfriend if yours in person." He said smiling


I didn't say anything in response


"You don't have one, your just lying because your trying to reject me"

"But you can't"

"Fuck off" I said


"She said leave her alone you god damn cunt" I heard a girl say, I looked towards the sound and say Frankie standing next to the guy.

This was hella late so I had to cut it off short so I could just post it for you😭


1,098 words🧑‍🦲

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