The concert(4)-Part six

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Once we had gotten back to the tv room everyone decided to start the movie back where we left off from.

I grabbed my blanket half covering my face again as violet hit play.

She paused it directly before a fucking jumpscare.

I covered my face fully and kept it like that until it sounded like it was okay, hearing again a laugh from Shane.

"Shut up I saw you flinch too!!" I said to him "but I didn't hide in a blanket" he had a point "fair point. but you still flinched!"

He just laughed again and I looked back at the screen.

It was the end of the movie, Freddy was supposedly dead so I have fully uncovered my face. But right as the movie ended, Nancy's mom was standing in front of a mirror and out of actual no where, Freddy Kruger reached through the mirror and GRABBED HER.

I turned fully around in the couch and buried my face in Shane's shoulder unintentionally again, hearing the movie release sound of glass breaking and screaming.

Then I felt relieved as I heard end credit music playing and Violet yelling "OH COME ON" in disappointment.

I turned around and away from Shane shoulder to look at Violet the back at Shane who's face was beat red.

"Are you okay?" I asked him, i knew what he was red about, I just wanted to see his reaction to acting clueless, "huh? Oh! Uh, yeah I'm fine" he said stammering his words.

I looked at Noah, who was giving Shane a weird look, then I looked over at Violet who was smiling slyly at Noah.

What were those two hiding?

They had kept ran along about how dumb the ending to the horror movie was on and on again so I had just gotten up and walked to the spot I had started off at ,the edge of the stage, going I unnoticed by the other three teens who were deep in their conversation.

Besides one, who had seen me get up and not long after I was sitting and the edge of the stage I heard footsteps behind me so I turned around to see Shane looking down at me.

He smiled at me and just sat down next to me "why'd you leave the tv room?" He asked me tilting his head to look at me "I'm not sure I just wanted to see how the concert was going, and I couldn't really have much say in that conversation, I had my face covered half the time" I said slightly laugh at the end of my sentence.

"That makes sense" he said laughing along with me.

He had turned to look at me again, but not avoiding my face like normal, but eye contact. I couldn't read his facial expressions, but I knew they weren't negative.

His expression looked soft, and he had kept holding eye contact, occasionally looking at the other features of my face.

The peaceful silence was broken by Violet running down to us and yelling " MY GOD THERE YOU ARE." She said trying to catch her breath.

"Noah, tag, he's it." She said in between exhausted breaths.

I looked over at Shane who shrugged in a 'I don't see why not' kind of way so I laughed , stoop up and grabbed Shane's hand running away from Noah who had just found us.

Shane wasn't quick enough though so Noah had caught up to him and tagged him.

I screamed as Shane started to sprint after me, we eventually make it to the island counter in the middle of the make shift kitchen, I was on one side and Shane directly opposite.

Every time I moved he move in front of me again, so I did what I had to and just bolted for it, completely loosing my breath, collapsing on the couch.

Shane followed by actions and laid down next to me on the couch touching my forehead with his pointer finger saying "gotcha." Also equally as out of breath as me.

I heard a crowd wildly cheering and yelling as the backstage entrance doors opened, and in coming all the band members.

Taylor looked around confused at the popcorn spilt in the floor of the living room and soda cans followed along that.

Then he turned over to me and Shane on the couch, walking over to us "what's this?" He said smiling and gesturing in between me and Shane.

Still out of breath Shane managed to say "tag." "Mhm, okay suree" Taylor said, his smile now turning into a smirk.

Now I knew what he was thinking, and so did Shane, we both sat up with flushed cheeks as I got up and searched for Violet.

Not far behind me I heard and embarrassed Shane say "why'd you make it sound weird" to his dad who just laughed in response.

Sorry that the concert is being split into so many chapters, I'm trying to make longer ones but school is a pain in the ass 😭😭 thank you for patience and sorry for any spelling errors 💕💕

854 words

𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐅𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐃 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐎𝐘|| 𝐒.𝐇||Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ