Brooklyn Baby- Part nineteen

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I heard my dad yell for me to come downstairs, I got up and walked down the stairs to see my dad with wide and worried eyes and the house phone held up to his ear.

"What's going on?" I asked him

"Did yn say she got home?" He asked me

My heart dropped.

"What? I mean she sis that she texted her mom and that she was walking home" I said quickly

"I'm on the phone with eher mom now shane, she never came home." My dad explained, obviously trying to be nice about it.

I felt a stinging sensation in my eyes and nose, I couldn't help it.

It's my fault, I could've walked her home but I thought she would be okay like she said she would.

I felt tears spill down the side of my face, my dad dropped the phone and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey it's okay, we'll find her okay, don't think of the worst" he said trying reassure me.

"Can I go do something" I managed to get out from my choked up voice.

I needed to tell Violet, I needed to look for her and I know she would help me

I walked up to my room and grabbed my phone, trying to get to her contact with my blurry vision.

I pressed call and help the phone up to my ear.

It rang twice and she picked up.

"Helloo??" She said happily

"Violet it's yn, she didn't make it back home we don't know where she is and-" I said still choked up and my voice shaking, she cut me off.

"Are you crying? What's going on?" She sis snow more serous than she was when she picked up the phone.

"You need to be here, We need to look for her" I said hanging up and getting dressed into warmer clothes and putting on my shoes.

Violet and Dave showed up in Dave's car and the knocked on the door my dad answered it.

Violet ran over to me and asked me what was going on very frantic.

My dad explained for me and violets eyes layered with gloss, then it falling down her face.

She turned around and hugged Dave tightly. You could still hear her crying, more muffled in Dave's shoulder.

"Violet." I said getting her attention

She looked up at me and remembered I said we had to look for her and we started walking out of the door.

"WHAERE ARE YOU GOING?"  Taylor yelled after us, trying to get us back inside.

"I HAVE MY PHONE ILL BE BACKK SOON. DONT WORRY ABOUT ME." I yelled as we sped walked away. They sighed in anger walking back in the house again.

"Where would she be? Or where would she have gone?" Violet asked me, her eyes still red.

I thought for a while. I know she didn't go home. And by the time she started walking out of the house th has station was closed.

"I think I know" I said walking faster.

"Where?!" She said catching up to me

"The park" I replied

"Why the park?" She asked me.

We hadn't told her about that yet

"I don't have time to explain that I just know she went there" I replied, I was just too stressed out to be able to tell her.


We walked through the flowers and entered the section with the pond.

I saw the bench I had sat with her at and felt like breaking down.

On the bench was her favorite jacket, not only that but her phone with music playing form wired headphone.

I felt my eyes watering already.

But the reason I broke down was the song that was playing. The lyrics sang;

'Well my boyfriends in a band. He plays guitar while I sing Lou reed. I've got feathers in my hair, I get down too beat poetry-'

I couldn't listen to it anymore. I took out the headphones and sat on the bench, putting my face in my hands and trying to muffle my sobs but failing.

Violet walks diver to y/ns phone and looked at the song name.

"Oh no.. shane it's okay" she said staring up and sitting down by me.

I looked up and saw two white cloths on the ground.

I walked over to one and picked it up, it had liquid on it. It was chloroform, a liquid that if breathed in it knocks somebody out.

I looked further around and saw a circle of dark liquid, it had shine still in it.

I took my phone out of my pocket and turned on the flash.

I moved my phone over the dark spot and what used to look black in the dark was now bright red.

"Holy shit" i Heard Violet say, her voice shaking.

I felt like I couldn't move.

I just started crying.


HEYY!! What do we think of the whole thriller thing?

And how do we feel about my song choice 🤭

Where do you think y/n is ? Oh and I wonder who took her🤔

Jk like I said I know everything

That picture up top is actually so sad, it's Shane and Dave hugging after a performance for foo fighters 🥲

Any ways LOVE YA!

885 words 😭

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