Sarah Cameron - Beachy Hair

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"I'm in love with Sarah Cameron." Y/N shouted through her house. This was the first time she'd said it out loud, but the words felt so right coming out of her mouth.

Nobody had heard her of course. Her parents were away on a cruise and her brother had been at his girlfriend's all week. Nevertheless, it felt good to say it. She. Loved. Sarah. Cameron.

Y/N breathed a sigh of relief, repeating the words another two times. And she meant everything she was saying. Some might've found it strange that Y/N spoke of Sarah in this way, but they didn't know the half of it.

They didn't know about the secret kisses or hidden notes or the way they flirted when nobody was around.  Y/N and Sarah kept it between them. There was a thrill in keeping secrets. It felt freeing. The last week more so than before. Plus, news like this would spread like wildfire in Outer Banks, and not everybody would be so accepting of the 'idea.' So they'd kept things hidden. It was easier. Or had been easier.

But Y/N's feelings for Sarah grew stronger everyday and the odd meet up was no longer enough for her. She wanted more. She wanted a real relationship, with no set backs. To hold hands in public and kiss in the daylight and to attend parties as dates, not friends. But that wasn't how it worked. They had reputations to uphold, boys to date. This would have to be enough for her.

Sarah was coming over again today. She'd told her parents she'd be at Topper's, which gave Y/N an extra night with her. And although she hated the fact Topper had Sarah too, she'd take what she could get. So she she pushed any negative thoughts from her mind and whispered it to herself one more time.

"I'm in love with Sarah Cameron."

Y/N heard the faint creak of a floorboard from behind her, and froze.

"What did you say?" Sarah asked, but her voice was quiet and unsure.

Y/N turned to face Sarah, her eyes wide and her mouth slightly agape.

She stuttered. "Nothing. I- well, um..."

"Love?" Sarah whispered, searching Y/N's expression.

Y/N shook her head in defeat and whispered, "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry?"

"It's okay if you want to end it.I know we said this was nothing serious. That it was easier if we kept things casual, to avoid people finding out. And I tried, bu-"

"Are you taking it back?" Sarah asked, louder this time. She stepped forward, closer to Y/N.

"I-" Y/N's voice grew quieter as she spoke. "I don't think I am."

Neither of them moved for some time. They both just stood there, looking down and occasionally glancing up at each other.

"I left Topper." Sarah finally said.


"I left him... I haven't told my parents yet. But it didn't feel right anymore. Lying to everyone. Keeping you a secret."

"You left him." Y/N repeated, crossing her eyebrows quizzically. " For me?"

A small smile tugged at the corners of Sarah's mouth. "Yeah. I didn't love him."

Her smile grew smaller, but her eyes  shifted to focus on Y/N's. "I love you though."

Y/N lifted her head quickly and she held her eyes shut until the whiplash passed. When she opened them again, Sarah has stepped even closer.

"You love me." Y/N said, looking slightly bewildered.

Sarah's smile reappeared, growing wider. She nodded, placing a hand to the side of Y/N's cheek.

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