Kie Carrera - Against the world

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"Rafe!" Y/N shouted. She snatched the bag of white powder, that her brother had been holding, from his grasp.

"Y/N!" Rafe shouted, "Give it back! Now!"

"No!" Y/N shouted back, "I'm not gonna sit back and watch you destroy yourself!"

"It's my life!" Rafe spat, pushing Y/N into the bedroom wall. "Now. Pass. Me. The. Bag."

Y/N's eyes brimmed with tears and her voice caught in her throat.

"No!" She said, holding the bag behind her back. "I'm sick if this. All of the drugs and fights and secrecy! I can't even remember who you used to be most days!"

"Shut up Y/N! You don't know what you're talking about!" Rafe retorted, snatching the bag out of Y/N's grasp.

"Why are you being like this?!" Y/N cried, "Not just you. Dad too! You've both changed! I feel like I don't know you anymore."

In that instant, Ward had walked into the bedroom. "What's going on sweetie?"

Rafe had already stashed away the drugs he had been holding. Y/N looked at the two of them and shook her head.

"Sweetie? No, Dad. Don't call me that! Don't act like everything is fine when it isn't! Do you know how pushed away I've felt for the bast few weeks? The two of you forming this little gang, having discussions in the office and disappearing at the oddest of times?! What are you both hiding?!"

"Stop moaning Y/N, do you know how pathetic you look right now?!"

"I'm pathetic?!" Y/N screamed, "You're the one taking drugs so that you don't have to come to terms with the fact that you need help!"

"That's enough!" Ward cut in.

"You don't even care do you?!" Y/N shouted at her Dad, "You say you want us to 'be a family? Well, right now, you're breaking it apart!"

After she said that, everyone went silent.

"Everything I do is for you, wheezie an for brother. If you can't understand that then-"

"Then what?" Y/N cut in.

"Then leave!" Rafe cut in.

Rafe's words stung, but she knew he was right. How could she stay with people who kept everything they were doing a secret from her?

"You're right." Y/N said, backing out of the room. "I'll be gone by tonight."


Twenty minutes later, Y/N was leaving the house. She carried a duffel bag in each hand, her face still stained from the tears.

Kie, her best friend, was waiting outside. They'd been best friends since they were kids and she was the first person Y/N contacted when she needed a friend.

Y/N dropped her bags and ran over to her friend, who wrapped her arms tightly around her.

"What happened?" Kie asked, as Y/N cried into her shoulder.

"I got into a fight with Rafe and Dad, but this time was different. I don't think I can stay here anymore. I feel like a stranger in my own home."

"Aww, babe." Kie said, stroking Y/N's hair. "I'm so sorry."

They both grabbed Y/N's bags and carried them to the VW van that was waiting outside the garden.

The other three pogues were waiting outside the van and enveloped Y/N in a group hug as soon as she approached them.

"You guys are alright with me staying right?" Y/N asked.

"Are you kidding?" JJ replied, "It's been so boring without you there."

"I agree!" Kie said, "We've missed your energy!"

"We missed the 'nice' pogue!" John B joined in.

"I'm not giving up the bed!" JJ shouted.

They all scoffed, helping Y/N get her bags in the van.

When they were done, Y/N sat down next to Kie in the back seat. She curled into Kie's side as they drove home. She explained the argument she'd had with her brother on the way to the chateau.

"So he told you to leave and Ward didn't say or do anything?" Pope asked, engrossed in Y/N's story.

"Well, Ward's a dick!" Kie said, running a comforting hand through Y/N's hair. "And you can stay with us for as long as you need. I'm sure the guys won't mind you staying when I'm not there too."

"Thanks Kie."Y/N said, intertwining her hand with her best friend's.

They picked Sarah up on the way to the Chateau and Y/N enveloped her in the hug.

"Why weren't you at home?" Y/N asked.

"I got into an argument with Rafe earlier and went for a walk to clear my head. Didn't you hear us fighting?"

"No?" Y/N replied, "But that makes two of us, because I got into a fight with him too."

"Aww, Y/N." Sarah said, joining in on Kie and Y/N's hug. "Why does our family suck so bad?"

They pulled up at the chateau not long after and climbed out of the van one at a time.

Y/N left her bags in the kitchen and grabbed a drink of water before joining the rest of the group out back. She took a seat on Kie's lap, as all the other seats were taken up around the fire.

"You okay?" Kie asked, smiling.

"I'm good." Y/N said, smiling back.

"Love you." Kie said, scrunching up her nose.

Y/N rested her head against Kie's, "Love you."

"You two are so 'coupley.'" JJ said, "No wonder the whole island think you're dating.

"Oh, give us a break!" Kie said, "We've known each other since we were little. It's normal to be this close after knowing each other for so long."

"Let's make a toast!" John B said, handing everyone a beer can.

"To friendship!" Y/N said, raising her can.

"To friendship." The rest of the group said in sync. They all took a drink, laughing as JJ spilt his down himself.

"What time is it?" Sarah asked about an hour later.

"Late." Pope replied, "I think we should call it a night?"

John B and Sarah left first, followed by Pope. Two minutes, JJ dragged himself to bed.

"Goodnight." He shouted before disappearing into the house.

"Wanna talk on the couch for a bit?" Kie asked.

"Yeah, sure." Y/N replied, standing up from the firepit.

They spent the next hour on the couch, talking about absolute nonsense. Eventually, Y/N began to feel drowsy and layed against Kie's side. By morning, they were layed side by side and Y/N's head rested on Kie's chest.

"Morning angels." John B said as he exited his bedroom.

Kie groaned, placing a hand on top of Y/N's head.

"Morning sleepyhead." Y/N said, patting Kie's arm lightly.

"Aww, look at you two lovebirds." Sarah said, walking over to the kitchen.

"How can two friends make one's self feel so single?" Pope moaned, entering the room.

Y/N and Kie laughed, holding each other's hands.

All they needed was each other. Two best friends against the world.


Author's note - Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Please continue to recommend story ideas and characters. Thanks for reading!

(Story idea from beastmode_annmarie. If this chapter isn't what you invisioned, please let me know.)

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