Rafe Cameron - Morning sunshine

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Y/N had always been an early riser. She struggled to sleep past seven, waking up early and spending the whole day being productive.

Rafe Cameron was the opposite, laying in until the afternoon and barely leaving his room, unless he was hungry.

But today, the roles had been reversed. Today, Rafe was the one laying awake, staring at the ceiling, as Y/N slept peacefully beside him. It was early, very early. And yet, he found himself unable to rest. There was a strange feeling in the pit of his stomach that he couldn't shake.

He'd had it since yesterday afternoon, when him and Y/N had met up along the beach. That afternoon, he'd looked at her and seen more than just a 'occasional hookup'. He'd looked at her and saw somebody he could confide in, somebody he could trust, somebody he could love.

In that moment, things had changed.

So, that night, instead of taking her up to his room for another one of their casual one night stands, he spent time with her. He got to know her. That night, when she had fallen asleep on his shoulder after the movie, he had carried her to bed and tucked her in for the night. He'd given her a kiss on the forehead before getting into bed and leaving her to rest beside him. He'd watched her for a while, admiring her facial features as she layed peacefully. Rafe had always known Y/N was pretty, but in that moment, she was even prettier than he'd realised.

And now, that was all he could think about. The pretty girl, sleeping softly next to him. Why did he feel like this? This was unlike him. He never caught feelings... for anyone. But Y/N was different. She was all he could think about.

He was in full panic mode. How could he switch it off? How could he stop this feeling from increasing? Before he could dwell on it too much, Y/N stirred in her sleep. She shuffled slightly, dropping her arm over Rafe's chest. Her touch sent tingles through his body. He took a deep breath and placed his hand over hers. It felt so right. So real. He couldn't just ignore how he was feeling. He had to tell her. But what if this was still just an "occasional hookup" for her? He didn't want to risk losing her altogether. The thought made him shiver and he turned to wrap him arms around Y/N's waist for comfort.

He'd tell her eventually. Just... not yet.

When Y/N placed her arm over his, Rafe knew she was awake.

"Morning sunshine." She said groggily, "Why are you awake so early?"

"Couldn't sleep." He replied quickly.

"Strange. Normally you're out like a light. Everything alright?

Rafe smiled at her concern, "Everything's fine."

"So... last night." Y/N said, already full of energy. She sat up and looked over at Rafe. "What happened?"

"Huh?" He'd zoned out and hadn't heard her.

"You asked me to come over last night and then... nothing happened?"

"Yeah... um- I," Rafe stuttered, 'Sorry, I suddenly didn't feel like it anymore.

"Don't get me wrong, it was nice. " YN said. Rafe sighed in relief.

"It was?"

"Yeah." She smiled, "I just wasn't expecting it from you."


"Yeah. You normally just want to get straight to business." She chuckled slightly.

"You're right." Rafe said, taking a deep breath. "Look Y/N, do you think we could hang out today. Go for a walk and talk or something?"

"You want to be seen with me... in public?" She laughed, "What about your other girls? They'll see us."

Rafe laughed awkwardly. The truth was, since Y/N, there had been no other girls. Just her. She was all he needed. Not that he'd ever admit it.

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