Rafe Cameron - Sly Fox

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Muffled yelling and loud music
flooded my ears as I walked through
my house, picking up empty cups and cigarette buds. My idiot-brother had thrown another stupid party and I had been left to clean up the aftermath, yet again.

Most people had stumbled
out hours ago and the party had finally started to die down. I probably should have left the house and gone to Kie's before the party started...but, hey, we all make bad choices.

There was a stench of smoke in the air, probably coming from the group of guests that were still sat smoking in the living room. This group of guests included my brother's unconcious best friend, Rafe, drunk or otherwise.

I kicked him to wake him from his drunken slumber before
heading to the back patio, where most of the yelling was coming from.

Sarah was yelling for my brother to
get down from the roof whilst Kelce held his phone up, ready to record.

"Topper, I swear to God, get DOWN!"
Sarah panicked.

"Babe, it's fine. Kelce, are you recording?"

"TOPPER, are you insane?! If this
doesn't kill you, I will! Now, get dow-"

"Topp, go, you're live!" Kelce cut in.

"Really, Kelce!?" I interrupted, attempting to snatch the phone from his hand.

He recoiled quickly and kept the camera aimed at Topper, who jumped from the roof and only just landed in the pool. He resurfaced seconds later and took a few gulps of air, before letting out a whoop of excitement.

"Dude, that was fucking awesome! You gotta try it." He exclaimed.

I pushed past the group of people watching and blocked the ladder, "No, someone is going to kill themselves! Seriously, what the hell are
you guys on?!"

My brother and Kelce exchanged looks before running past me, into the house. Topper was still dripping wet and Sarah followed after him. Despite how often she witnessed Topper doing something stupid whilst drunk, she still looked worried. My brother didn't deserve her.

I pushed the ladder to the side and
struggled to pull over the pool cover.
The light under the bathroom door
caught my eye and I almost slipped.
I thought I'd made it clear that the guests all had to use the other downstairs bathroom.

I rolled my eyes, storming into the house and banging on the bathroom door. "Who's in there?:

"God, just... just give me a minute."

"Rafe?" I said. He sounded panicked.

I placed an ear to the door and reached for the handle, quickly realizing it was locked. I could hear muffled sobs.

"Rafe." I said a bit louder this time, "Unlock the door, please? What's going on?"

"I-it's over. It's done! I'm screwed, he's
gonna kill me. He's gonna fucking kill
me, y/n."

God, he was really drunk this time.

"Who's going to kill you, Rafe? Please
unlock the door." I spoke
softly, "Tell me what's going on..."

His rambles turned into stiffled sobs
once again and the door remained

Instead of giving up, I went to the kitchen and approached Topper. He was chugging water, with a towel wrapped around him. Sarah maintained a poker-face,
with her arms crossed.

"Finish that, and this one, and I'll forgive you." She said to him.

"You're such a dumbass," I whispered to him. I rolled my eyes as I dug around the junk-drawer, searching for a pin to unlock the bathroom door.

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