Rafe Cameron - Morning Coffee

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Rafe yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He rolled over to see if last night's 'guest' was still laying beside him, only to find the opposite side of the bed was empty. He sighed, relieved that he didn't have to kick yet another girl, who had gotten the wrong idea, out of his house. He kicked off his duvet and sat up to stretch, before getting up and making his way to the bathroom.

As he walked past his bedroom door, he heard the faint muffles of somebody humming. Rafe stopped abruptly, knowing his family didn't return until the evening, and listened closely. Once he was sure the noise was coming from downstairs, he shoved his dressing gown on and made his way to the staircase. He approached the kitchen and poked his head around the doorway, only to find the girl from last night stood in front of the coffee machine. He rolled his eyes, realising she hadn't left like he had thought.

"Morning." She said, as Rafe entered the kitchen.

"What are y-"

"Coffee?" Y/N cut in, handing him the mug before he could decline the offer.

"Thanks?" Rafe took the coffee from her, his eyebrows crossed in confusion. "Look...I don't know if you got the wrong idea, but I don't really do morning coffee with girls I've just slept with."

"Wow," Y/N scoffed, "You really gonna kick me out before I've had a chance to wake up a bit?"

"Well, normally the girl just le-"

"Look princess, you don't have to explain yourself, okay?" Y/N said, taking a sip of her coffee. "I knew exactly what kind of guy you were when I chose to come home with you last night. I planned on being gone a while ago, but my ride is running late."

"Couldn't you have just walked?" Rafe asked.

"To the cut?! Don't get me wrong, I love a nice, long walk. But this early on a moning? My legs would fall off!"

"The cut?!" Rage groaned, putting a hand over his face. "You're a pogue?"

"Calm down dude, I'm not a pogue."

"Oh thank g-"

"My friends are."

"You choose to be friends with those, those as-"

"I wouldn't finish that sentence I were you."

Before Rafe could reply, a car pulled up outside the house and honked it's horn.

"That's my ride." Y/N said, grabbing her bag from the counter and looked over at Rafe, "Thanks for your... service?"

She hopped off her stool and scurried to the door. She turned to face him again, "Wait, what was your name again?"

Rafe raised his eyebrows, surprised at she didn't know who he was beforehand. "Rafe... Cameron?"

"I'm Y/N, " she replied, flashing a grin, "See you around Rafe."

As soon as Y/N shut the door, Rafe walked over to the window. He watched as she walked over to a VW. She hugged a blonde guy wearing a backwards cap, who was sat in the passenger seat, before climbing into the back. He didn't look away until the van was gone.

He walked back over to the counter, taking another sip of the drink Y/N had made him. God, that was some good coffee.

A week later, Rafe was walking along the pier. Throughout the week he'd kept an eye out for Y/N, secretly hoping he'd bump into her, but he'd had no luck. Atleast not until that exact moment, when he spotted her on the beach down below. He could only just make her out, but he knew it was Y/N.

Rafe watched as she cheered and wooped at the two boys surfing in the distance. Rafe couldn't help but laugh as she jumped up and down, flailing her arms in the air. Her hair flowed in the wind as she ran towards the boys, who were now paddling their way out of the water.

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