Rafe Cameron - Different People

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I sighed, walking back and forth, as I thought about my boyfriend and I's relationship. He's a kook, I'm a pogue. And I don't think I could handle being with a kook for the rest of my life, especially when my parents are constantly telling me how wrong our relationship is. The idea of having a future kook life freaks me out too if I'm being honest, which is what makes me and Rafe two completely different people.

"I don't know what to do Sarah." I said softly, to my best friend. She'd offered to come to my house so that I could rant to her.

Depite agreements and disagreements here and there, she'd always stuck by my side. We'd been with each other through thick and thin, knowing how to communicate and understand each other in a positive way.

Sarah watched me as I paced back and forth across my bedroom.

"Y/N, sit down and breathe. Okay?" She patted next to her spot on the bed, "The way you're acting is making me nervous."

I gave her a fed up look and walked to sit beside her. "I love Rafe to death, Sarah. I'd do anything for him. But, being in a relationship with him? It's tough. Even before we got together, things were complicated."

Before, me and Rafe were friends, but also hated each other. Frenemies, in a way. Eventually, we realised the hate was truly us hiding our feelings for each other. When we realised the attraction was mutual, it led to a one night stand. Which led to another one. And another one. After a while, we feel for each other and things got even more complicated; the trust issues, his angry outbursts, my 'carelessness' and our jealous personalities. These complications took over our relationship, which meant we were a very 'on and off' kind of couple. However, it was very common for us to put everything in the past and act like nothing happned when we got back together.

But, tonight? Tonight was going to be different because we both deserve to be happy. I want a stable relationship. To be with somebody who I can see myself starting a family and growing old with. I know Rafe wants that too. But our toxic reationship prevented that from happening.

Sarah grabbed my hand softly and rubbed her thumb against my palm. "Seriously Y/N, do what's best for you. I know that you want me to give you the pros and cons, but it's not my place. You just have to make your own decision and go with it. No matter what, make sure it's what you want and deserve. Yeah?"

I nodded, listening to every word she said. Letting go of her hands, I smiled at her weakly. I got up from the bed and grabbed my phone from my back pocket. After walking over to my windowsill and finding Rafe in my phone contacts, I put the phoe against my ear waited for hi to pick up.

"Hey, you." I heard his calming voice on the other end. Even the simplest of words made me smile, when it was him saying them.

"Hey Rafe..." I said reluctantly, "We have to t-"

"It's a friday night, which means..." He made a drum role down the phone, "Sleepover at my house! Woop woop! Are you packed and ready for me to pick you up babe?"

I clenched my phone and my breath caught in my throat as I tried to keep my voice steady. "I can't." I said softly.

He sounded concerned, "Um, why not? Is something wrong?"

I looked over at Sarah. She slowly nodded and then looked away. I was so nervous, but it had to be done. "Rafe, I can't do this anymore." I whispered down the phone.

Rafe was silent for a few seconds, "Again? YOu're doing this to me again Y/N?! How many ties are you going to break up with me and then tell you miss me all over again?" His voice rose with frustration. I wsn't surprised. This happened whenever he didn't get his way.

A tear dribbled down my cheek, "Rafe, I'm serious this time. Okay? We're no good for each other. All we do if fight. And when we're not fighting, it's because we're not with each other. I can't spend the rest of my life wondering if staying with you will be a waste of time in the long run." I said, sobbing. I loved him, I really did. But we were better apart, even if it hurt like hell at first.

Rafe groaned over the phone, "Is this about your family? Who cares about them! We'll run away and get married and have kids of our own. We can be together forever. Just you and me. Y/N... I need you."

I wiped away my tears and stared out of the window. "We both know that won't happen Rafe. We'll end up fighting and I'll end up back at home, with nobody left. Especially after my parent disown me for running away with you! I'm sorry. I really am. But, this is the way things have to be..." I stopped and bit onto my lower lip. "Goodbye..."

As soon as I'd ended the phone call, I fell the ground in tears. Sarah rushed to my side and pushed my hair out of my face.

"He sounded so crushed." I cried, sniffling into her shoulder. "I can't do this. I need to call h-"

"Y/N!" Sarah cut in, "What's done is done. If you get back with him, you'll end up feeling trapped all over again. Do you really want that?"

I stayed silent and continued to cry as I sat on the floor. After a while, I began to calm down and Sarah finally got ready to leave, after I'd spent ages covincing her she didn't need to stay. Twenty minutes later, Sarah called me.

"Sarah, " I chuckled lightly, my face and throat still soar from crying. "I already told you, you don't need to st-"

"Is Rafe there?" She cut in.

"No." I said, surprised by the disappointment in my own voice. He's not at home and- anyway, Y/N listen... if he turns up, don't do anything you'll regret. One night with him could change everything. You said yourself that you don't want that to happen."

I loved Sarah, really, but something was telling me that she was being a bit of a bad friend. Telling me what to do with my love life for me. "Sarah, I can take care of myself you know."

"I know." Sarah said, "I'm just worried for you. I'm sorry."

I knew she meant it, but I heard a knock on my door before I could finish telling her that. "I'll call back in a sec."

I was at home alone, so it was probably my parents getting back from work. I knew Mum would forget the key. I made my way downstairs and unlocked the door before opening it, "Hey Mum, yo- Rafe?"

Rafe was stood in the doorway, soaking wet from the rain. It looked like he'd been crying, but it was hard to tell through the raindrops. "I needed to see you..."

"Rafe I-"

"I know. You're over us. I get it. Sarah explained it all to me. I just... I just wanna talk."

"That's it?" I asked, stopping myself from letting Rafe's distressed expression mess with my own emotions.

Rafe nodded. I opened the door further, so that he could enter. As soon as he was inside, he pulled me closer. My face was centimeteres fro his and it was hard to keep myself composed.

"Like you said," I whispered, "Let's talk."

Rafe looked diappointed, but he sighed and nodded, "Okay."

He pulled away and smiled a small smile. I smiled back, leading my ex boyfriend into the kitchen.


I swear, if I forget to post one more time... I'm giving up on myself. Anyways, I'm sorry if this chapter seems a little rushed, but I hope you enjoy! And, please continue to recommmend characters and storylines in the comments. I appreciate all the support I'm receiving on these imagines. Love you guys - Lilypad x

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