Rafe Cameron - Princess

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"Come on JJ!" I moaned at my brother  "I don't wanna go! I hate parties..."

"Y/N, stop being a kill joy." JJ said, "Let loose and have some fun."

"I hate fun." I stated.

JJ scoffed, "Cheer up buttercup. This'll be good for you. You can blow off some steam. Maybe, you'll even be less moody afterwards."

I whined as JJ continued to drag me towards the beach, "I hate you."

Once we were at the party, JJ walked over to join the rest of the pogues after telling me to 'make some new friends.' But, within five minutes, I had perched myself on a fallen tree and had started reading a book on my phone.

"Hey Watch Out!" Somebody shouted from not too far away.

I looked up, just in time to catch a ball that was flying towards my face. Thank god for my fast reflex.

Seconds later, I saw Rafe running towards me. He was a kook, one of the many people my brother had told me to avoid because, and I quote, 'they're all cocky assholes.'

I'd never spoken to Rafe. I'd heard he was a jerk, but other people had spoke about him as if he were some 'legend' or something. So I didn't really know what to think of him.

Rafe took a seat in front of me and I handed him the ball.

"Be careful!" I joked, "Your throwing skill are dangerous."

Rafe smirked at my comment, "That was a nice catch by the way."


"I didn't mean to throw it hard at you like that."

"It's cool." I said, "No harm done."

"Are you here with someone or...?"

"Well, kinda." I replied, "I came with my brother but he's ditched me to either get drunk or flirt with girls. Probably both."

"Do you wanna join?" Rafe asked, "Were playing volleyball but we all suck at it to be honest."

"I don't know... my brother probably won't want me hanging around with a group of guys." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Aww, come on." Rafe said, "It's just volleyball."

I looked around the beach, but I couldn't see JJ anywhere. What kind of brother forced his sister to go to a party and then leaves her by herself?

"You know what?" I said, "Sure. Let's play volleyball."

"Let's go." Rafe said, helping me off my seat. He walked me over to a group of friends and introduced me to them; Topper and Kelly. But I already knew who they were, because my brother had told me to avoid them too.

"My sister Sarah was here too." Rafe said, "But since she's ditched, you can take her spot."

We played the game for a while. Rafe wasn't wrong when he said they all sucked. The amount of times, I'd had to jump in front of him, to stop the ball hitting the floor, was unbelievable.

"Oh come on!" Topper shouted, when I scored another point. "You're cheating."

"You can't cheat at volleyball."Rafe said, "Youre just a sore loser."

"Oh, stop acting like you can play." Topper laughed, "Without Y/N, we would have beat you fair and square."

I smiled, catching the ball as Kelce threw it over the net.

"Shall me call it a night or do you want me to continue making you look like a fool?"

"Where did you find this girl?" Topper joked, "She's so mean."

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