Chapter 25

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"We have to get Jungkook awake. We can't carry them both that far back to the trucks," Jimin reasons as he crawls over again. He pours a little more down his throat before splashing some in his face. Then he starts smacking his face a little.

"Hey, stop it!" Namjoon yells at him.

Jimin looks at him with a glare that could kill. "Namjoon, Yoongi is going to die if we don't get him care beyond what this room can offer. His pulse is too slow. He's lost too much blood. On top of that he's extremely dehydrated which will slow his body's work to replace his blood  -and even keep it from pumping properly right now. He needs an IV or he WILL die. Jungkook is just dehydrated. He can wake up and, yeah, he'll feel like shit, but he can walk back to the truck. Yoongi is the priority right now. Period." 

Namjoon backs up and throws his hands in the air with an apologetic look. Jimin looks down and pours more water into Jungkook's throat before pouring a little on his neck and then splashing his face. He slowly starts to stir awake.

Jimin begins patting his cheeks and yells, "Hey! Jungkookie, wake up! wake up!," and harshly rubs his chest to help him further.

Jungkook scrunches his face up as his eyes open slowly - looking around the room before his eyes widen and fill with tears. Jimin backs up a little to give him some space. 

"Joonie," he sobs suddenly as Namjoon rushes to him and slides his arms under his neck to hug his face tightly. 

"Shhhh Kookie, it's ok," he whispers soothingly. "You're safe now. I'm so sorry I didn't come faster."

" he ok?" Jungkook whispers into his brother's neck. "I kept shouting to wake him up but he wouldn't. That thing poisoned him," he sobs louder as his memories start to flood in.

"No, we need to get him help as soon as possible. He's really hurt. We can't carry you both though. Can you sit up?"

Jungkook nods his head quickly. Namjoon sits up and pulls him into a sitting position before handing him the bottle of water.

"Drink this. All of it."

Jungkook puts the bottle to his lips and squeezes it as water pours into his mouth - panting from the rush of coolness and hydration his body desperately needs.

Meanwhile, Jimin was leaned down whispering into Yoongi's ear. Assuring him he will save him. That he's here. How sorry he is that it took so long to know something was wrong. That the bastard who did this is dead. 

He looks up when Namjoon asks Jungkook if he's ready to go. Jungkook nods his head yes and Namjoon stands up before hooking his arms under Jungkook's armpits and pulls him to his feet. 

"Can you carry this?" he asks as he holds his backpack up to Jungkook. The younger nods and slides it on his back as Namjoon walks toward Yoongi and Jimin.

"Wait, let's use the door to carry him on," Jimin decides as he stands up quickly and walks toward the attic door. 

"You can't..." Namjoon starts as he hears Jimin rip the door from the hinges.

"Weak old hinges," Jimin offers with a shrug as he walks back carrying the door. Namjoon looks at him strangely but rolls Yoongi to his side anyway. Jimin slips the "stretcher" under him and Namjoon lays him flat on it. Jimin walks to Yoongi's feet and begins to count. At three, they lift him and begin the long trek back to the trucks. It's still pitch black out so Jungkook leads the way with a flashlight - warning them of any tree roots or dips in the grass so they don't fall.

Jimin feels sweat run down his forehead before dripping into his eye. He wants to wipe at it but is too afraid to drop Yoongi so tries to furiously blink the stinging liquid out of his eyes. He starts to panic when his vision goes blurry and he can feel Namjoon pulling away too fast.

"Wait wait - just a second," Jimin pleads as he adjusts his hands so that one is holding the middle of the door which frees the other to pull the neck of his shirt up and wipe his eyes. 

"Ok, let's go."

The three are almost out of the woods - light from the neighborhood street lights is just barely visible. It's still at least another 100 yards to the trucks though and they are tired.

Jimin can feel Namjoon slowing down and, although he doesn't want to say anything, he knows he has to. 

"Kookie, can you help Namjoon with his side now that we can see better?" Namjoon scoffs at him so he adds, "his is the heavy side."

Jungkook nods and puts the flashlight in the side of the book bag before taking one of Namjoon's corners of the door. Jimin is pleased when Namjoon picks the pace up again.

When they finally arrive at the trucks, they quickly decide that Jungkook will drive Yoongi's truck with Yoongi and Jimin in the backseat to take care of him. Namjoon will drive his own - he's silently thanking the Gods that he made Yoongi give him a copy of his truck key.

"Do you know anyone with medical supplies that's close? I need to start him an IV before the drive home."

Namjoon briefly considers Jimin's question and remembers that a nurse they saved a while back works at a hospital about 15 minutes away. He nods his head and tells them to follow him. 

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