Chapter 7

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Yoongi wakes up early the next morning. He briefly looks over at Jimin who is finally sleeping peacefully. Brushing his hair out of his eyes, Yoongi leans in and gently pecks his lips. He slips out of bed quietly before grabbing clothes and heading to the bathroom to get ready for the day.

After making a quick breakfast to share, Yoongi heads to see Namjoon. Carrying a large tray of food, he heads down to their basement. Setting the tray on the couch, he reaches behind a large bookshelf and pushes a button which causes the shelf to open and reveal a large steel door. He pulls his key - one of only 3 - out of his back pocket to open the hidden door. After picking up the tray, he kicks the door closed behind him before turning the large lock. 

Inside is Namjoon's work space - desk, computer, every book on bad things ever written (or so it seems to Yoongi), and his demon holding cell. The cell is large, usually dark, and designed specifically to trap demons - for however long he needs them there. 

When the group realized how often humans are possessed, and that they rarely survive, they made it their mission to stop it. Namjoon invested most of his savings to build this space under his basement. He researched for months on the best methods and materials to trap and hide a demon.

There is a large sigil trap in the center of the room - poured with concrete - and encased in clear epoxy so that it can't be tampered with. No matter what. The walls have been warded with the same materials to protect the secrecy of their work. And help ensure their safety. So far its worked beautifully.

They also have food, an arsenal, and a bedroom that Namjoon usually sleeps in - even though he has one upstairs. To say that he's dedicated to his work would be a massive understatement. He basically never leaves this room except to shower every now and then. Yoongi stopped trying to change that a long time ago. Namjoon is the poster child for stubbornness. 

Walking into the office, Yoongi sees Namjoon passed out - drooling on whatever book he stayed awake reading until God knows when. 

"Bro, wake up," he says gently as he shakes him a little. Namjoon snores lightly but otherwise, doesn't respond at all. 

"Namjoon," Yoongi calls as he shakes him a little harder. This feels very deja-vu after last night with Jimin. The younger starts to stir a little and Yoongi continues coaxing him awake. 

"I brought breakfassttt," he singsongs to encourage him to wake up. Namjoon smiles and starts to sit up as he wipes the drool from the corner of his mouth. "That's why your my favorite," he says with a laugh.

"You prolly tell Kookie that too."

"Only when he brings me breakfast," Namjoon replies with a laugh.

Yoongi just laughs with him as he sits and divides the food.

Silence and chewing are the only sounds heard as the pair dig into the meal.

"Did you make any progress last night?" Yoongi asks after a few minutes.

Joon shakes his head no. "I can't get it to work without using the demon's own blood. That takes too long. And is risky since you have to get close. Plus, the whole reason we're doing this is to get the demon out without hurting the person inside. Otherwise, we would just exorcize the old fashioned way."

"Have you tried using yours? Wouldn't it make sense that the person could use their own blood if they are drawing it? Might even make it more powerful."

Namjoon sighs a little. "Of course. But do we want to have to use that much of our own blood every time we trap one of these things? Yes, it's a temporary solution but it won't work long term. We need a better answer. I just have to keep testing and researching. I'll figure it out. I know I will."

Yoongi smiles encouragingly. "Of course you will. But look, you have time. Don't feel like you have to find the answer today. You can't think if you don't sleep. You have to take care of yourself too."

Namjoon looked at Yoongi with a face he didn't recognize. Was it anger? Hurt? Annoyance?

"I don't have time! We have one trapped right now! And even if he isn't violently hurting his body, I can't make the damn thing eat. So the human is starving to death. I need to figure this out NOW. Or I will have to exorcize him, hope he survives, and try again with the next one. I can't willingly let him die just so I can keep experimenting."

Desperation is what that face is Yoongi realized. 

"Hey, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it that way. I just don't want you to exhaust yourself trying to figure this out. What if you get too tired and make a mistake that gets you killed? You're no good to anyone dead. Plus, what would Kook and I do without you? We're family. We need you too."

"I know Yoongi. I promise I'll sleep more. I'm just frustrated being so close but still so far away. I keep thinking the answer is on the next page. But then it never is."

Yoongi nodded his head in understanding. There's really nothing else to say and he knows Namjoon won't stop pushing himself no matter what he says.

Namjoon smiled at him and grabbed the untouched plate of food on the tray. 

Time to try again he told himself as he headed toward the cell.

Devil in Disguise ☆Yoonmin☆Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin