Chapter 29

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Jimin rushed out of the medical suite and headed toward Namjoon's office. As the hairs on his neck stand up, he realizes he's being watched. He looks toward the trap room and meets eyes with Taemin, who smirks before turning away. 

Jimin hurries into the office and heads for the fridge. He grabs a few bottles of water and bananas from the fruit basket. Turning to head back, he notices a small tv that he blew past coming in the room. It shows footage from a security camera in the trap room. Of course he has cameras in there Jimin thinks to himself. Taemin looks like he's talking directly to the camera. 

Jimin keeps walking toward the door before freezing... he looks back at the monitor before turning around and turning the volume up.

"...this is your moment Jimin. The best hunter's hurt? Fucking perfect for us. Go get Tae and Hobi and bring them here. The three of you can take the two of them easy."

Jimin gulps and nods his head, forgetting that he can't be seen. He looks for a way to respond and finally sees a button to turn on the speaker. "Ok."

"Good boy," Taemin smirks again before sitting in the middle of the trap. Jimin gets up again and turns to walk out the door. "And don't forget, I'm getting out of here one way or another. Don't become our enemy because you went soft for that hunter."

Jimin pauses briefly and then continues walking out of the room. He returns to the medical suite to find Jungkook sitting on the bar stool with Namjoon helping to hold his arm up. 

"Here, take a couple bites," Jimin whispers as he peels a banana and holds it toward Jungkook.

Jungkook eats a few bites of banana and bops his head while he chews. Then Jimin opens the water and gives it to him to guzzle. 

"How long until he wakes up?" Namjoon questions.

"Best guess?" Jimin looks into Namjoon's eyes expectantly. He receives just a nod in response.

"Tomorrow. His body needs to accept the new blood and begin healing. Plus, he must be physically exhausted from what he's been through. He will sleep all night just to recover from that."

"Ok. I need to go work then. I'll be in my office if either of you need me." With that, Namjoon handed Jungkook's arm to Jimin and left them alone. 

"How you feeling?" Jimin asks with concern lacing his voice.

"Honestly? Like I'm gonna pass out. But it's ok. Anything to get him through this."

"Can I do anything?"

Jungkook shook his head. "You've done more than enough."

"Only about 5 more minutes left and then you can go upstairs and crash."


Hours later, Namjoon peeked into the medical suite. Yoongi no longer has any tubes connected and seems to be sleeping peacefully. Jimin is asleep in the chair next to Yoongi's bed. Soft snores coming from his mouth due to the awkward sleeping position. 

Namjoon smiles a little and walks in the room.

"Come on," he whispers as he shakes Jimin gently. "He'll be here in the morning."

"Uh uh - he might wake up. Don't want him to be alone." Jimin sat up a little, grabbed Yoongi's hand, and laid his head next to it before settling back into sleep. The new position looked just as uncomfortable as the last one.

Namjoon sighs as he walks to his bedroom to grab a throw blanket before returning and placing it over Jimin's shoulders. 

He felt Yoongi's forehead just to make sure his temperature is Ok before turning to head back to his office. He glances at the clock and realizes the sun will be up soon. 

He looks over at the camera monitor and sighs in deep disappointment. There's no progress being made as exhausted as he is. He decides to accept it and closes the door on the way to bed. 

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