Chapter 36- Fireworks From Home

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July 4, 2024Elle's POV

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July 4, 2024
Elle's POV

"Hey little one! It's daddy," James whispers to my naked baby bump as I lie in bed, pretending to be asleep. "I know it's early in the morning, but I felt you kicking so you must be awake. I just wanted to say that I love you so so so so much. I can't wait to meet you, but be good for your mommy and daddy and wait for a few more weeks, please."

I feel a kick aimed right for where James' palm rests on my bump, earning a quiet chuckle from my husband. "Did you know that 1 year ago tomorrow I married your mommy. I remember the day like it was yesterday. She was so beautiful, she still is. You'll know what I mean when you meet her," he chuckles while trying to explain everything to our baby. I try my hardest not to react to how cute this interaction is.

"I remember that that night, I dreamt of you. I dreamt of you and your siblings and my heart got all big with happiness and the love I felt for your mommy at that moment. We planned to wait a few more years, but secretly, between you and me, I was so excited when your mommy told me that she was pregnant with you. I was so excited that you were created and I cannot possibly love your mommy more. I know you will feel the same, because your mommy is an amazing person who loves you so much," he trails off and I know that he is looking up at me.

Tears well under my eyelids, but I force them away, wanting to know what he's going to say next. "I love you," James whispers into the air, but I'm not sure who he's talking to. I feel the bed shift under his weight as he crawls out of bed to go start his day.

I lay in bed for a while longer, with the biggest, most cheesy smile on my face as I replay his words in my head.

I lay in bed for a while longer, with the biggest, most cheesy smile on my face as I replay his words in my head

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Everyone has arrived for the 4th of July party that we are hosting at out house. We usually go out to the field like last year, but with me so late into the pregnancy, everyone insisted on having it here just in case.

Lucas is grilling hotdogs and hamburgers on the back porch while Preston and Julian play volleyball in one of the side yards. Lola is blowing bubbles for Sierra to chase. The dogs are running around the yard, the sounds of the horses in the paddocks behind us. James and Seth are setting up the firework show while my mom and Darby are bringing out the food and drinks from the house. I am sitting on a picnic table under the large oak tree in the backyard, watching my crew working and mess around amongst each other.

"Lets eat," Lucas calls, shutting off the grill and bringing the platter of meat toward the food table, adjacent to wear I'm sitting. I got to stand but James makes his appearance from being me, coaxing me to sit back down.

"I've got it," he whispers into my ear, sending shivers skating down spine. He smiles knowingly at me as he slinks away to go prepare our plates. I stare after him but refocus my attention on Darby sitting down across from me.

"It feels amazing out here," she tells me, eating her food.

"It really does," I say, looking out at the blue sky and green pastures surrounding us, the breeze lightly tossing my hair, with the mountains looming in the distance. "I love the city, but nothing, and I mean nothing, will over beat this," I sigh happily.

James slips into place beside me, setting 2 plates and 2 glasses of lemonade in front of us. "Thank you," I kiss his jaw, always covered in short, dark stubble.

"For you, anything," he whispers, giving me a short, sweet kiss before digging into his food. The group of us pile around the table, laughing, shouting with glee, talking, and telling stories while the sun sets in the distance.

Once our food is finished and the sky is pitch black, the fireworks begin. Spread out across the lawn, some laying in grass, others relaxing in chairs, we watch the bright lights shoot into the sky before exploding into a burst of color. The dogs have calmed and are laying at the feet of our guests. The cats are hiding inside from the loud noises as the horses continue to graze about in the dark, unperturbed by the sounds.

James wraps himself around me from behind, hands resting protectively on my bump as we watch the fireworks together. "Our second and final 4th of July together before Baby Star gets here," I whisper.

"Our last night before our 1 year anniversary," James whispers back, holding me tighter to him as he plants a kiss on my hair. Tonight and tomorrow my mom is staying with the Starks so that we can celebrate the day in peace. "I love you."

"Forever and counting, Mr. Bridgewater."

"Today, tomorrow, forever, Mrs. Bridgewater.

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