Chapter 18- Wednesdays Are For The Boys

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January 31, 2024James' POV

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January 31, 2024
James' POV

"4 beers, please," I tell the bartender, one for each of the guys. Julian, Preston, Seth, and I decided it had been way too long since we hung out without the two girls, so while they are at brunch we are drinking beers and catching up.

"Here, you go," the bartender puts the 4 opened glass bottles in front of me. I slap a twenty on the bar and excuse myself back to the table. The bar is almost completely empty because it's noon on a Wednesday.

"What were we talking about?" I ask as I place three bottles down on the table, keeping one for myself.

"Remember that bet we had at your wedding?" Preston smirks.

"If we thought you would cry when Elle walked down the aisle." Julian supplies. I nod slowly, taking a long drink from my beer.

"Well, we were making a new one..." Julian tells me.

This cannot be good. Slowly I pull the bottle away and put it on the table, eying all 3 of them in turn. "What about?" I draw out the words.

"If you would cry when your baby is born," Seth smirks. "I have $100 saying you will."

"$30 saying you won't," Preston raises his bottle in support.

"And you?" I wait semi-patiently for Julian's answer.

"Oh that's easy," he nods his head furiously. "$500 saying you will. And when I win, because I will, I will be donating all of it to the baby's college fund."

"Suck up," Preston snorts. Julian shrugs, feigning innocence.

"Buying your way into being the godfather?" I raise my eyebrows at him knowingly.

"Noooo..." he says very suspiciously.

"For some reason, I don't believe you," Seth laughs. Julian shoots him a glare that could kill before smoothing over his features and looking back at me, like nothing just happened.

"Right," I laugh.

"So what do you think the baby is?" Seth asks.

"I think its a girl," I tell them honestly.

"Me too," Preston agrees.

"Nope. Team boy all the way," Seth seems offended that we would think differently. The 3 of us turn to Julian for his guess. He taps his finger on his chin for a moment, thinking.

"What does Elle think?" He asks after a moment.

"She is fairly confident it's a boy," I reply to him.

"See!?" Seth points at me and Preston like he's right. We roll our eyes at him.

"Well then, my vote is for a boy. Mother's intuition and all," Julian says, making the vote a 2-2 tie between us 4.

"Team boy wins," Seth cheers.

"What how?" Preston scrunches up his face in confusion.

"3-2," Seth explains.

"Elle doesn't count. She's pregnant with the baby and her trying to win feels like a jinx," Preston argues.

"That's not how it works," I laugh.

"Whatever, but her vote still doesn't count." He crosses his arms over his chest defiantly.

"Fine. Lola will break the tie. Does that work with all of you?" Seth looks around the group. We all nod in agreement, giving Seth the go ahead to text Lola. Within 3 minutes Lola sends back her guess, 'girl.'

"Boom we win," Preston jumps up and shouts, raising his hand for a high five. Shaking my head, I humor him and slap his hand with mine.

"Uncle Julian doesn't care for one," Julian holds up a finger, talking about himself in the 3rd person. "As long as the baby is happy and healthy, that's all that matters."

"You never give up," I groan, knowing he is trying to butter me up into choosing him as the godfather.

Seth laughs, "that's about enough out of you with the bribery."

"You should have chosen me to be Sierra's godfather then, not your siblings," Julian turns his nose up at his brother-in-law. "I was playing checkers then. Now I'm playing chess."

We all burst into loud laughter at how ridiculous Julian is being. I've missed hanging with the boys like this.

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