Chapter 15- Heartbeat

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January 11, 2024Elle's POV

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January 11, 2024
Elle's POV

"Good to see you two again," Dr. Thompson greets James and I as she closes the door behind her. "How were the holidays? Darby was telling me you guys went to New York?"

"Yup," I nod. "We visiting my parents and grandpa for a few days."

"Darby also told me that she is expecting a great-grandkid," the doctor smiles over at us as scrolls through the computer.

"We apparently can't keep a secret for long," James laughs with a shrug. The doctor laughs with him.

"Alright, first some questions then we can get to the exciting part," she smiles at me. "How have you been feeling?"

"Really good!" I say excitedly and I mean it.

"Any morning sickness?" She looks at me as she awaits my answer.

"None. But I've been having super weird cravings and I've been more clingy lately."

James grunts a laugh and whispers, "that's the understatement of the year," under his breath. I kick him firmly from where I sit on the exam table, making contact with his knee as he sits right next to me in a chair. "Hey, it's the truth," he holds up his hands in surrender. "We aren't supposed to lie to doctors." I roll my eyes at him as I focus back on the smiling doctor who is watching us, very amused.

"Boys are dumb," I say to her, ignoring James's comeback from beside me.

"Yes, they definitely can be," she laughs. "Have you been taking the prenatal vitamins?"

"She hasn't missed them once," James says for me. He is really on top of the vitamin schedule. He even has an alarm on his phone to tell him when I need to take them.

She continues on with the series of questions for what seems like forever but could only be 15 minutes tops, typing all of my answers into the computer. "Baby time," she tells us as she walks over to the exam table.

"Oh yay!" James jumps up and comes over to stand at the head of the table, his fingers lacing through my own. I lay back on the table and roll up my shirt for her to squirt the jelly. I wince from the chill of it as she apologizes and starts to move the wand around.

"Ready?" I ask James, locking eyes with him.

"So ready," he smiles down at me. "Are you?"

"Can't wait," I smile up at him.

"Here we go," Dr. Thompson spins the screen around for us to see the baby. My eyes fill with tears as I look at the gray blob on the screen. I look away from the monitor and back up to James, seeing his eyes shining with pride as they stare steady at the screen, never blinking.

We sit there and look at the screen together, hand in hand, as she points to the little features of our baby on the screen, including the big alien looking head. "Want to hear the heartbeat," she asks, finally finishing with the measurements as pointing out little details to us.

"Yes," James and I say at the same time, without hesitation. I don't look away from James and he doesn't look away from me as she turns up the volume on the machine, the steady thump of our baby's heart filling the silent room. Tears well in my eyes as I watch James's eyes flutter shut, tears spilling from them as he listens. His hand squeezes mine, eyes opening to flick between my face, my belly, and the screen showing our baby.

"Can I record it?" James asks, voice cracking.

"Of course," Dr. Thompson smiles at him. Within 10 seconds, James's phone is out of his pocket and focused on the screen. I stare up at my beautiful husband as he watches his phone and what he is recording on it. My face aches from the smile that has been plastered there since the beginning of this appointment.

After a few minutes James puts his phone away and leans down to kiss my head, whispering, "I love you so much." I bite my lip and close my eyes, trying to fight off the rush of happy tears trying to burst through. "Can we have these sonogram pictures too?" James asks the doctor hopefully.

"Of course!" She clicks a few buttons, turning off the sound and turning the screen back to herself before excusing herself from the room and leaving James and I in there together.

"Oh my god," I whisper into the silent room, missing the sound of Baby Star's heartbeat already.

"I can't believe that just happened," James whispers back, squeezing my hand. "Did you hear how strong the beat was? We have one healthy baby!" He says proudly, wiping the tears from underneath my eyes.

"We got lucky," I chuckle softly, looking into his eyes as he cups my face with his hands. "I got lucky." James leans down and captures my lips in a kiss that I could live off of forever.

With James's help, I get cleaned up just in time for Dr. Thompson to waltz back into the room. "Here you go," she hands James the sonogram pictures where he tucks them safely into his wallet with the other ones.

"I can mail them to your parents and my grandparents probably want them too! Plus these can go in the baby book when we start it! And I need the updated one in my wallet too!" James rambles off all the things he has planned for the sonogram of our baby.

The doctor and I laugh together as we watch him admire the pictures for the third time since he got them less than a minute ago.

"Your due date should be around July 10, 2024."

"That's really close to our anniversary," I smile, looking at James as he tucks his wallet away and focuses his attention on the doctor again.

"Awww! That means a lot of celebrating then!" Dr. Thompson says happily. "Any last miniature questions before I let you go?"

"When is the next appointment?" James asks, not missing a beat.

She glances down at her paper, "February 15. Anymore questions?" James glances down at me as I shake my head, not coming up with anything I need or want to know.

"Nope," I tell her.

"Alright, well thank you guys so much for coming in! Congratulations, again. And I can't wait to see you until next time!" She hugs us goodbye before leaving the room. James and I follow right behind her, hands laced together as we talk a mile a minute about how awesome our baby is going to be.

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