Chapter 23- Friends til the End

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March 11, 2024Elle's POV

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March 11, 2024
Elle's POV

"James still working?" Julian asks as soon as he plops down on the couch beside me. I give him a nod, eyes glued to the tv. "So watcha watchin?" He asks, stealing the tub of ice cream I had been eating, right out of my hand.

"Well I was watching Stranger Things," I grumble, pausing the tv and turning to give him my full attention. "And," I snatch the tub back from him, "go get yourself a spoon instead of stealing mine."

He laughs, standing to go to the kitchen. I hear the drawer open and shut before he shuffles back into the living room, spoon in hand. "Looks like Casa Bridgewater is thriving," he stays as he takes a huge spoonful of chocolate ice cream and eats it in one bite.

"We are," I agree, eying him as he takes another huge chunk of ice cream.

"Does James still freak out everytime you can feel the baby kick?" Julian chuckles. All of our friends and James' grandparents had felt the baby kick and all think it's amazing, but James' excitement is on another level. I truly think his heart will explode with all the adrenaline running through him every time he feels it.

"Every single time," I admit. "He thinks it is the singular greatest thing in the world." Which I have to admit that it kinda is.

"He's gonna be a good dad," Julian smiles, happy for his best friend.

"He is," I agree easily because it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Enough about us, how are you?"

"Ohhh," he scratches the back of his neck and glances away, "livin the dream and all that." I narrow my eyes and nudge him with my foot, forcing him to elaborate.

"Well I am planning to take a trip to New York this weekend actually."

"OMG are you finally going to go see Ty?!" I shout just a little too loud. Wincing at my shrill voice, Julian nods. Ty, Titus Abrams, was my highschool classmate and my best friend from back in NYC. I set him and Julian up last summer. I haven't seen him since the last time I was in NYC, which was months ago.

"He invited me to go watch his baseball game," he tells me sheepishly, a blush rising to his cheeks.

"That's great J," I throw my arms around him and hug him tight to show my support. "You have nothing to be nervous about."

"I know. I just haven't ever traveled fro the purpose of meeting up with a guy. I don't know how to prepare."

"Just go have fun! Don't let all these thoughts ruin a great experience! You guys have been talking for close to a year, it's about time you guys finally meet in person! And I went on a trip, given it wasn't for the purpose of meeting a guy, but I met my soulmate on that trip and made so many new friends. Then I ended up marrying that guy I met too!"

"And getting knocked up by him," Julian smirks. I punch him in the arm, making him throw his head back in laughter.

"Another added bonus. But seriously, Ty could be it for you, don't let your anxiety destroy it."

"I'll try," he smiles, looking more confident about how his trip will go. "Now let's watch Stranger Things. I never finished season 3."

"You're joking," my draw drops open in disbelief.

"Nope, I am not," he laughs at me, grabbing the remote and pressing play.

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