Chapter 25- Giant Genes

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April 17, 2024James' POV

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April 17, 2024
James' POV

"Ohhhh look how big you are getting," my grandma carefully wraps Elle in a hug, careful of her bump that has been steadily growing. Now it's visible through all of the clothes she wears and I get a surge of pride everytime I see it.

"She looks healthy," my grandpa observes as I sit down on the couch and he passes me a beer.

"She is," I smile. She was a bit sick a few weeks ago, but now she is back to it and literally glowing. That pregnancy glow thing I read out in the baby books is very real and makes it almost impossible to look away from her. Hell it's been impossible for me to look away from her ever since I first laid eyes on her.

"How far along is she now?" He asks, not taking his eyes off the game on the tv.

"25 weeks tomorrow," I take a swig of my beer, the only one I'm going to have tonight.

"Whew, time has flown by. Ready to be a dad?" He looks over at me. I nod without hesitation.

"I think so. Me and Elle can do anything as long as we have each other to lean on."

"I'm proud of you, ya know. You have grown into an exceptional young man. I know that your parents would be proud to see who you have become too."

"You think so," I ask, contemplating what he's just said.

"I know so," he reassures me. I give him a nod and he refocuses on the tv. I get lost in thought until Elle eases herself down next to me.

"Whatcha thinkin about?" She asks, kissing my cheek.

"Oh nothing," I shake my head to clear the thoughts away. "What did you and my grandma talk about?"

"Darby was raving on and about cravings, how you've been treating me, and baby clothes. I told her that we were starting to plan out the nursery and she insisted to help pay for it."

I laugh, "of course she would, even though I have enough generational wealth from my dad's family to put Jeff Bezos to shame." Elle laughs, hard.

"Crap," she tries to stop laughing, but fails. I stand and help her up so she can walk off to the bathroom. The growing baby has her peeing about every hour, especially when she laughs. I make my way to the kitchen to find my grandma while I wait on Elle.

"JJ!" She exclaims. "Elle is getting so big!"

"I know," I chuckle and hug my grandma.

"Oh gosh, I bet that's going to be one big baby! Those Bridgewater genes are really coming through on you. I mean you were 10 pounds when you were born!"

"I'm sorry what?" Elle asks coming out of the bathroom. "You were how big?! I must have heard wrong."

"Nope," I chuckle. "A whole 10 pounds."

"You have got to be kidding me," her jaw drops open. My grandma laughs before excusing herself to go get my grandpa for dinner. I walk closer to Elle, smiling at her horrified expression. Learning if for a kiss, she swats me away.

"Don't try to act all cute with me mister," she swats me away. I dodge her hands and wrap her in a hug, kissing the top of her head. "I can't believe I let you put a baby in me before I found out they were practically giants as newborns," she grumbles into my chest.

Throwing my head back in laughter, she swats at me again. "This isn't funny, James," she complains.

"I know, I'm sorry," I huff out trying to breathe again. "You sure you still want 5 of them?" She scowls at me, pushing me away and turning on her heel to go to the dining room. "It's kind of funny," I call out after her, breaking into another fit of laughter.

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