Chapter 30- Only With You

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May 20, 2024Elle's POV

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May 20, 2024
Elle's POV

"I'm so sore," I whine, wriggling around on the bed. My feet are swelling up, my shoulders ache, and my back hurts far more than I could have ever believed possible.

"I got you," James smiles at me, offering me both of his hands. I place mine in his, and he slowly pulls me up so I'm sitting. "Now raise your arms." I do as he says, raising my arms straight over my head. Carefully he pulls my shirt over my head discarding it behind him. "I'll pick it up later," he chuckles at me before I have time to complain. "Scootch over for me," he nudges me to the side, making space for himself.

Once I've moved back onto the bed, he climbs up so that he is resting against the headboard and pulls me into his lap, my back against his front. As soon as his callused hands start kneading out the tense muscles in my shoulder I let out a loud moan of pleasure and sink back into him.

He chuckles softly against my neck, where his head is resting against the back of mine. "Feel that good?" He asks, amused.

"Mhmm," I hum, practically incoherent with how nice his hands feel on my skin. Laying back against him I drift off to sleep as his hands travel down and start rubbing out the knots in my back. My eyes shoot open, after I don't even know how long, to soft kisses being placed against my shoulders, trailing slowly up to the soft spot right below my right ear. He softly nips at the lobe, trailing his teeth as he pulls away. Shivers skate down my spine, electrifying me to the core.

"James," I moan, one of my hands flying back to land in the soft waves of his dark brown hair.

"Do you want to?" He asks, not needing to elaborate. I immediately nod, growing more awake by the millisecond. As my awareness comes back to me, I feel his rock hard length digging into my back through his black boxer briefs.

Rising to my knees, as best I can, I spin so that I'm straddling James' lap. He snakes one hand around my back, unclasping my bra. He lowers the straps off my arm and tosses it to the side like he did with my shirt earlier. "Jesus you are so beautiful," he admires, hands palming my breasts. "Pregnancy really has worked wonders for you. I mean you were gorgeous before, but you carrying my baby...fuck. It's enough to bring a man to his knees."

My head falls back for a moment, getting lost in the ecstasy of his hands massaging to tender breasts. "Boxers," I husk out, palming his hard length through the fabric. Quickly, he raises me off of him just enough to shimmy the boxers off his legs, kicking them away. I try to take a step off the bed to take my own underwear off but am pulled back against James's thick cock.

"Don't you dare move," he rasps, capturing my lips in a heated kiss, his tip dragging along my covered core. A loud tearing sound travels through the room as James rips the lace thong and tosses it away.

"James," I groan, "that was my favorite pair."

"I'll buy you fifty more, but I need to be inside you right now." All of the groans I had were immediately turning into moans as he sheaths himself inside of me.

"Fuck," I moan, head falling to his chest.

"Did I hurt you?" He immediately pauses the movement of his hips against mine.

"No, but I'll hurt you if you don't start moving again." He chuckles at that, placing a kiss to my hair as he resumes his careful thrusts upward. Widening my stance over him, I brace my hands on his shoulders as I match his pace. "I love you," I tell him in a breathy voice. His hands find my hips, helping me get closer to the cliff with each thrust.

"Forever and counting. Today, tomorrow, forever," he whispers back. One of my hands leaves his shoulders, skating down his chest, to his muscled abs, tensing each time he thrusts into me. My hand stops its path once I find his hand, tracing the tattoo of the 3 numbers. 224.

He moans out, the feel of everything building to be too much. I lean in to capture his next moan with my mouth, relishing in the sounds he makes. My hand finds it way back to his shoulder, picking up the pace just slightly.

"Come with me," I plead against his lips.

"Always," he grunts, picking up the pace. 'Is this too hard?" He asks, always careful not to hurt me. I shake my head, biting his lip lightly with my teeth.

"Fuck," he groans, 'I'm close."

"Me too," I nod, leaning my forehead against his as sweat beads across our skin. Seconds later I come around him as he continues to thrust up into me. I feel the hot squirts of his cum as he empties himself inside me. Slowly he stills, panting into my mouth as our tongues tangle together, all passion.

His hands find their way to my bump, cradling it between us. My hands move to lay over his as he flips us so we are facing each other on out sides, him still inside of me. "I want to fall asleep just like this," he murmurs, one of his hands leaving my belly to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear and cup my cheek. "My baby safe inside you, my cum marking you from the inside out, and you safe in my arms."

"Caveman much?" I joke, heart still racing from my orgasm and butterflies fluttering in my stomach from his words.

"Only with you," he smirks before kissing me senseless.

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