Tell me what?

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Pablo's POV

Two weeks passed since Pedri came back and Tamara and I keep our relationship as a secret good so far. Pedri didn't suspect anything luckly. Although we had some moments where we almost got caught. We have to be more careful if we are going to keep with this plan, but it's hard for me to control myself when Tamara is around.


My birthday is in 3 days and I can't say that I'm not excited. I'm very excited actually. Pedri said that he wanted to make a party at his house, just like for Camila, but I refused. I want to make party at my house. It's my birthday sooo...

I went to Pedri's house and we will go to buy some nice things to wear. I wanted to look good and also to see some decorations for party.

I knocked on the door. Tamara opened me.

"Hey Tamy!"

"Hi Pablo!"

"Is Pedri here?"

"Upstairs in his room."

"Great!" I said and kissed her. She blushed and giggled.

"What were you doing?" I asked her as I walked in.

"Nothing, just chilling in the living room. To be honest, I was so bored."

"Tamara is that Gavi?" Pedri yelled.

"It's me man, are you ready?"

"Yes!" Pedri said as he came down.

"Where are you two going?" Tamara asked.

"We are going to buy some things for party and something to wear." Pedri said.

"Can I come with you?"

"Yeah... Su.."

"No!" Pedri cut me off.


"Yeah Pedri why?" I asked him too.

"Because... Well... Ughh... Fine! But don't look at me like that!" she said pointing her puppy eyes.

"Yay! I'll be ready in 5 minutes!" she said and ran upstairs.

"Hurry up, we won't wait for you for too long!" Pedri shouted.

I stared at her when Pedri snapped me out of my thoughts.

"So what's the plan?"

"First I have to find something to wear, then to buy some things for party."

"You don't have to worry about that second thing, I'll buy that."

"No Pedri it's my party, you don't have to buy anything!"

"You helped me and payed for things when I made party for Camila. Now it my time to pay you back."

"You are my brother, you don't have to pay me back."

"Okay you two can kiss so we can go!" Tamy said and she walked down to us.

"Haha so funny!" Pedri said sarcastically.

"Are we ready?"

"Yes, let's go!" she said and ran to Pedri's car.

"Camila is also coming with us." Pedri said.

"I'm fine with that!"


We arrived to the small where we spent the half day. We went through different stores, but I could find anything that I liked. After 2 hours of walking around, we decided to take a break and eat something.

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