Jealousy problems

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Pablo's POV

I saw Tamara and Camila in a restaurant today. I wanted to call them over, but then I remembered... Sarah...

I bought her a bouquet of roses as an apology for last night. I had to do something to make her happy again. She looked so mad at me when we met, but when I gave her a bouquet, she calmed down.

She decided to sleep over at my house tonight and I had to say yes... Although I had other plans. I wanted to go to see Tamy, but instead, I had to stay home with Sarah. We were watching some movie, when she went to the bathroom. I took a chance to call Tamara to see how is she.

She wasn't picking up my calls. Is she mad at me? Why are all girls mad at me?! After 5 declined calls, I sent her a message.



Tamara answer my calls!

Are you okay?

Please answer me!


"Who are you texting with?" Sarah asked as she looked on the screen of my phone.

"Just Pedri's sister."


"I want to make sure she is okay."

"Why do you care about her so much? Pedri is her brother, he should care about her."

"I know, but she is like my sister..."

"You already have a sister."

"Yeah, but I can't visit her because you said that."

"I have to keep you away from other girls!"

"That's crazy! She is my sister!"

"Pablo don't start this again! I said what I had to say! Now let me enjoy the movie and let me breath!"

I just stayed silent. She sat next to me and continued to watch the movie. After some time, I noticed that Tamara replied to me! Oh thank God!



Please answer me!

Everything is okay Pablo, you don't have to worry about me. I'm fine, just need some time alone


I was about to reply to her, when Sarah took my phone.

"Are you seriously texting with her again?!"

"Sarah give me my phone back!"

"No! I want to see that does she wants!" she said and read our messages.

"She just replied to my message."

"She said that you don't have to worry about her. So just stop texting with her!" she said and gave me my phone back.

"Fine, I'll just reply..."

"Gavi just stop! She said that she doesn't need you! So stop texting with her. I'm your girlfriend, not her and have to spend time with me!"

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