Just joking

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Tamara's POV

I woke up after some time. I opened my eyes and realised that I'm lying on top of Pablo. At first I wanted to move, but it felt so good lying with him. He was still sleeping like a baby. Pedri and Camila were wispering something, I couldn't hear what.

Then Pedri stopped the car and I heard him saying:

"Okay we need to wake them up!"

"Aren't you sorry to wake them up now?! I mean look at them, they are so adorable."

"Fine then! What are we gonna do?"

"Go in the house and chill. When they wake up, they will come."

"Nah I can't leave them alone."

"You are not gonna stay here waiting for them to wake up right?!"


"You are insane Pedri! I'm going in, with or without you." she said and got out of the car.

"Wait, wait for me my love!" he said and ran out.

What an idiot my brother is! Why can't he leave us alone?! I mean it's not like we are gonna do anything...

I looked up at Pablo again, but he was already looking at me smiling. I blushed.

"You good there darling?"

"Sorry, for falling asleep on you."

"No need to apologise darling... I like it this way. Besides, it's not our first time sleeping together."

"Should we go in the house now?"

"Nah, 5 more minutes."

"But we are already awake."

"So?! Don't be like your brother!"

"Have you heard what he said?"

"Yes and I agree with Camila. He is insane."

"I don't understand why he don't trust us. He thinks that we are dating."

"We are..."

"Just friends!"

"Yeah... Just friends... Do you really believe that?"

"Believe what?"

"That two can be friends and not dating? Not being in love with each other?"

"I mean... well... maybe... We are that... aren't we?"

"I don't know..." he said looking me deep in my eyes. He then looked on my lips... Our faces were inches close... I felt his heart beating faster. My cheeks started burning and my heart was beating faster too...

"Wake up you too dumbasses!" Pedri yelled as he opened the door.

"Pedri don't... Too late! Why did you do that?!" Camila said running after him.

"Get up you two!"

"Jeez Pedri what's your problem?!" I asked as I got up from Gavi.

"You have enough time to sleep at night! We are home."

"Really man, I don't see what's your problem." Pablo said.

Pablo and him went in the house, while Camila and I walked behind them.

"I tried to stop him, but he was too stubborn."

"I know! Asshole!"

"But I have to ask you something."

"Camila don't. First I know what you gonna ask me. No, we are not dating."

"But you act like that."

"No we don't."

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