What should I do?

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Pablo's POV

It's been a week since incident with Pedri. I tried to call Tamy, but she wouldn't pick up. I wanted to go to her house, but I knew that would only complicate things more.

We had trainings and I tried there to talk to Pedri, but he would just walked away or start talking with someone.

I didn't know what should I do. No one knows about that, although they noticed that Pedri and I are not like we used to be.


"So what's up with you man? You seem a little upset this week."

I called Balde over. I had to talk to someone.

I sighed.

"Where should I start?"

"From the begining!"

"Well... You know how Tamara and I hang out a lot lately."


"Well...you see... We thought we are just friends, but..."

"But you are actually in love with each other."

"How did you know what I'm gonna say?"

"Because it's pretty obvious that you like her and she likes you. Continue!"

"Well we became a couple..."


"No, no! Wait! Let me finish!"

"Okay, sorry... Continue!"

"As I said, we became couple, but didn't tell Pedri about it, because of the rule number one..."

"That is not to date his sister."


"Okay and..."

"We hid that for three months and... Last week... Pedri found out."

"Oh shit, that's fucked up. What did he say?"

"Oh nothing serious, just that he doesn't want to talk to me, that our friendship is over and that I can't see Tamy anymore."

"That is serious!"

"I know I was being sarcastic!"

"Did you try to talk to them?"

"Yes I did, but he always walks away from me... But I don't care about that now..."

"Then why are you upset?"

"We broke up." I said as I put pillow on my face.

"You and Pedri?!"

"WHAT?! No, me and Tamara!"

"Ooohhh... I'm sorry man."

"I tried to call her, but she won't pick up my calls. She won't answer my texts and I don't want to do! I'm going crazy over her Balde! I love her!"

"Then tell Pedri that!"

"You think I didn't do that! I said that that night when he found out, but it was worthless."

"That's fucked up... You and Tamy are cute together."

"I knooow!"

"I'll help you!"


"I'll try to make Pedri talk to you."

"He won't listen to you, there is no point of doing that."

"Trust me, he will talk to you. He just needs time you know. He didn't expect that."

"What should I do then?"

"Wait until he is alone, then talk to him. Explain him everything and maybe...he will understand. I'm sure he will."

"Thanks man! I knew that you would help me somehow."

"Whatever you need, I'm here. I respect you and I would love to see you and Tamy together again."

Tamara's POV

"Tamy you can't be in your bed crying with pizza and chocolate around you!"

"Who said that I can't?!"

"I did! You can't cry over him forever!"

"Camila you don't understand!"

"I understand you honey, but you can't do this to yourself!"

"But I love him!"

"But YOU broke up with him. I would understand that he broke up with you, so you are crying because of that. But you broke up with him and you are crying."

"I miss him!"

"Just answer his messages! Answer his calls!"

"I can't."

"You are acting like a toddler now! Do you know what you want?!"

"I want HIM!"

"Then why did you break up with him?"

"Because of Pedri!"

"Oh my God, your relationship doesn't have anything to do with Pedri!"

"It has... At least he thinks like that."

"You should talk to Pablo. He is a good guy and he deserves you! He loves you Tamy!"

"I know!"

"Okay... I will try to talk to Pedri about this as hope that he will see this in a different way."

"Yo..you will?!" I asked sniffing.

"Yes! I can't watch you like this for the rest of my life! You don't deserve this."

"Thank you Camy!" I huggedher tight.

"Don't worry darling... Everything will be okay!"

"That's what Pablo said..."

"You are going to be together, whether Pedri likes it or not!"


Pedri hasn't talked to me since that day. I mostly spent my day in my room. I don't even go out to walk Max, Pedri does it.

But today, I decided to go out and clear my mind. I took Max's leash and went downstairs.

"Where are you going?" Pedri asked.

"To walk Max."

"Be careful!"

"I will!" I said and walked out.


I was walking through the park... The same park where Pablo and I became friends... Best friends... Couple...

I can't believe that from something beautiful, we came to this. I felt so sad this week that I didn't want to get out of my bed.

Maybe Camy was right... Maybe I should talk Pedri?! Maybe if I try to explain how it really is, he will understand... What should I do?

I sat on the bench and let Max go as always... I sighed... It was silent. I mean no one would go around this park at 9pm. I could only hear crickets in the bushes and fireflies that were sparkling on the grass...


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