the water gate

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                                               chapter twenty three•̩̩͙*ೃ

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                                               chapter twenty three•̩̩͙*ೃ

                                     ⊱ ────── {⋅. ✯ .⋅} ────── ⊰

Branches and jagged leaves snagged at her face, as she hurried through the thick forest, struggling to keep up with the curly-haired boy in front of them.

In the span of the past three hours, Angelica has passed out from a lack of food, reunited with her brother and friends after days, and is now following Dustin Henderson and his jacked-up compass through the outskirts of the woods.

The lasting headache was not letting up, and it was taking a lot to resist the urge to lay against a tree and close her eyes. The brown-eyed boy walking next to her noticed, eyeing her for abnormalities every chance he got.

She heard Dustin's voice ahead, and then Eddie's.

"Dustin! Dustin, can you slow down?"

Dustin only spared the group of teens a glance back, even as his pace only grew quicker. "I think we're getting closer."

Angel audibly gasped as the young boy suddenly reared towards the edge of a lake. As if returning her concern, Eddie grabbed the boy's shoulder, gently yanking him back.

"Watch your step, big guy."

She heaved a sigh, as her eyes grazed the span of the water. It was dark, spooky but unassuming. Perfect for a supernatural water gate. Twigs snapped behind her, and the rest of the teens had caught up.

"You gotta be shittin' me..." Steve breathed, resting his hand on his younger sister's shoulder. She gave him a tight smile, biting the inside of her cheek as anxiety began wafting from the lake. Or rather whatever was at the bottom.

The past few days, all she'd wanted to do was be with her brother and Robin, and the rest of them, but now that she was staring down one of the playing factors that could potentially destroy the town she loved was... intimidating, to say the least.

In the distance, birds called out, and Angelica shifted uncomfortably as Dustin's eyes darted around the shadows of the thick trees. "Yeah, I thought these woods were familiar."

"Lover's Lake." Robin nodded, equally nervous as the rest of the teens.

Mere moments later, Angelica had opted for a stray log to rest on, as Nancy Wheeler and the rest of them began talking theories.

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max inquired, her brows furrowed with disbelief.

The young woman who Steve had been standing unnervingly close to this entire time, had nodded. "Whenever the demogorgon attatcked, it always left an opening." She turned her head, "Maybe, Vecna's the same way."

FOGGY ..  𝗲𝗱𝗱𝗶𝗲 𝗺𝘂𝗻𝘀𝗼𝗻Where stories live. Discover now