Starcourt Mall Incident But Different

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{During season 3, El is already part of the Hopper-Byers family}

{Currently in the mall after Mindflayer finds them}

Third Person POV:

Everyone was practically froze as they all heard the large flesh monster slowly stomp around the middle of the mall.

Max, Will, Mike, and El were hiding under the dining area. Mike glanced around before whispering to everyone to follow him. As they ran into the next shop, Eleven tripped over a stack of hangers and they collapsed.

The flesh monster whipped its head toward the store as the group hid deeper in the clothes area.

Will was hugging his knees sitting on the right of Mike, who was sitting next to Eleven and Max. Will was shaking almost violently and had his eyes squeezed tight.

As the flesh monster extended one of its tentacles inside the store, searching for them, Will took a shallow shaky breath. He jumped at the sound of the monster roaring at a mannequin. But then he froze completely, as though literally covered in ice, when the flesh monster throws it back into the shop and it crashes into the wall before falling right next to him.

He heard the disgusting squelching sound of a tentacle slowly moving into the store until it was reaching out right next to Will. His breath hitches in terror.

Then a loud popping sound causes the flesh monster to turn its attention away.

Will's breathing starts to speed up until Mike grabs his arm, shaking him out of his thoughts. "Come on, Will." Mike says, his voice stern but concerned at the same time.

The brunette followed his friends out of the store, barely containing the panic attack rising in his throat.

Will was with Mike right behind Max as she helped El walk. She didn't want her ex-boyfriend to help, it was still awkward.

"Are you okay?" Mike whispers to him once they somehow get into a safe area. Which was apparently a small room with an elevator.

He gives the black haired boy an obviously fake smile. "Yep. I'm fine." He says. "We just need to get out and help the others-"

"Billy?" Max says, causing the two boys to go quiet. They both turned to the doorway where the red head was standing. "Billy. You don't have to do this. Please Billy. You can-"

The dark figure of Billy appeared in Will's vision and the teenager attacked his sister.

Will let out a whimper, which caused Billy to turn to them. Mike ran at him, trying to protect Will and Eleven, but Billy just grabbed Mike's shoulder and threw him against the wall, knocking him out as well.

Then the flayed teen turns to El and Will, and starts walking to them.

El pushes Will behind her and tries to fling Billy away with her powers.. but they don't work.

Billy grabs her arm and face in one swift motion and slam her against the wall before throwing her against the ground. He looks back at Will.

The brunette glances at his friends and back at Billy before whimpering. Billy attacks him as well, slamming his head against the wall several times, finally knocking everyone unconscious. Will was bleeding for a large cut on his forehead.

Billy leaned down next to Will's unconscious body. "I hope you didn't think you got rid of us that easily." He whispered.

Billy heaved Will's unconscious body over his shoulder and picks El up bridal style.

He makes his way back to the main area of the mall.

The flesh monster was there, and turned to face the flayed young man and the two unconscious siblings.

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