Don't Do That, Please

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{Hawkins, Indiana. 1986}

Third Person POV:

Mike was writing in a journal while Will was fidgeting with a pencil next to him.

"Hey, can we call the others and play DND?" Will asks, glancing over at Mike.

The ravenette frowns. "No, I'm not in the mood," he mutters as he erases a sentence he just wrote.

"But we never play anymore.." Will starts.

"We have," Mike says defensively, still not looking at Will. The brunette's frown deepens.

Will closes his sketchbook. "No, we haven't played DND since.." he pauses, trying to remember. "Since right after I got back from the Upside Down."

"Okay? It doesn't matter," Mike says, standing up to put his journal away.

"But it does, why don't you want to play anymore?" Will says stubbornly.

Mike grits his teeth, his back turned.

"Mike, please, I need to know," Will says, and Mike knew he was giving those beautiful puppy eyes that Mike adores. "Did I do something wrong? If I did, please tell me-"

"You can't leave again!" Mike suddenly blurts out, spinning around. He clamps his hands over his mouth after he realized what he just said.

Will blinks twice, confusion covering his sadness.

"What? Why would I leave to play DND?" Will questions. His eyes harden. "Aren't you the one who joined another party?"

Mike shook his head desperately. "No! No, it's not like that!" He says. "It's- It- If it's you, then-"

"Me?" Will exclaims, looking confused and betrayed. Mike winced. "You don't want to watch DND because of me?"

Mike shook his head again. "No! Just- I can't stop thinking that-" he groans in annoyance, pressing his palms to his eyes. "It's not you, but I can't stop thinking that if it is you then-" Mike looks away from Will, small teardrops welling in his eyes.

"..If it is me?" Will prompts, his voice suddenly soft as he notices Mike's terror. He stands up as he clutches his sketchbook to his chest.

"We played DND last time. Last time.. When you disappeared," Mike finally chokes out. "And I know it's silly, but now I can't even look at the game normally anymore." He barks out a laugh. "I can't even look at the front of my house the same anymore."

The realization clicked in Will's head. "So you didn't want to play because it made you think of my kidnapping?" He summaries.

Mike regretfully nods, trying not to feel the tears burning his eyes. "I know it's stupid," he says. "I couldn't even save you that night- I should've asked you to stay over or something, but-"

"You didn't know," Will says, dropping his sketchbook on the table and wrapping Mike into a hug. "It's not your fault, Mike."

"But it is," Mike sobs into Will's shoulder. "It's all my fault- and I couldn't even do anything once I knew-""

Will pulled Mike away for a moment.

He gently wiped away a few tears from Mike's eyes, his own eyes soft and kind. "You didn't everything, Mike, I wouldn't have gotten out of there without you," he says softly. "Don't say things like that, you did amazing. Everyone says so."

"But I could've done more," Mike chokes back another sob, muffled slightly. "I could've done so much more."

Will shook his head and gently presses his forehead against Mike's, affection seeping into Mike's bones.

"Okay," Will says softly as he watches Mike close his eyes, his long lashes wet with tears. "We don't have to play if you don't want to, don't worry."

Mike lets out a shaky sigh, and follows Will back over to the couch to cuddle, just like they did when they were younger. Neither of them said a thing before Mike fell asleep, listening to Will's heartbeat.

Will was alive. He was alive.

<^> To Be Continued

(640 words)


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