You have a DND club?

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{Season four when Mike goes to California}

Third Person POV:

"And then Dustin said that Eddie wanted him to help him set up a new campaign, so he was busy!" Mike finally finished complaining to Will.

Will quirked an eyebrow. "Campaign? Who's Eddie?" He asks. He blinks before his shoulders sank. "Oh."

Mike turned to him. "Oh? What's oh?" He questions. "Eddie's the dungeon master of-" Mike caught himself when he saw Will's cold gaze.

"You joined another DND party?" The brunette says coldly.

"What? No!" Mike says and sits up. "No! It's just a after school club!"

Will turned his head away. "It sounds like a new party." He says. "And Dustin? Lucas? Are they in it too?" Mike frowned nervously and reached out to grab Will's hand. But Will pulled away and stood up. "You were worried about me joining another party when it was you who joined one?"

"Will! Wait! Please, I didn't mean to break our promise!" Mike says. 

The brunette walked out the door. "Leave me alone." Will says, his voice cracking. 

"Will! Please just wait!" Mike said, scrambling off the bed and standing up. He ran after Will, who had left the room and was currently leaving the house. "Will, I'm sorry. Please just let me explain-"

He was interrupted by the door slamming.


(200 words)

*sobs* Literally the shortest thing I've ever written

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