If I Only Could..

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{TW: Homophobic slurs, broken bones, blood}

{Hawkins, Indiana. 1987}

Third Person POV:

Mike Wheeler was a normal kid. A normal son, a normal boy.

There was no reason for Vecna to attack him.

Especially since Vecna already opened the gates— already had his four kills. Well, Max was still alive, but she died long enough, so that's what counted.

So as Mike trekked through the woods, his best friend at his side, he felt no fear for that death.

He never had fear for death. When his time came, Mike would welcome it with open arms. And maybe, if he ever told someone that, they would be worried.

But Mike was normal. He had no trauma.

His dad said trauma wasn't a thing— it was just a made up word 'the queers' used to explain the guilt they had for not following god's words.

Mike didn't agree with him. His school counselor, Ms. Kelly, said it was a real thing.

Ms. Kelly was nice, she listened to him ramble and somehow understand him. No one else could do that, no one could keep up with his brain and his words.

Except Will. His best friend. His best friend who had pretty eyes and a pretty smile and a huge heart.

His best friend who always asked if Mike was okay. He always knew if something was wrong.

His best friend with shining hair and pink lips and a perfect nose. Who bit his cheek when he was worried, who scratched his fingernail when he was anxious.

Will has always been his best friend. And Mike loved him. Platonically.

His foot caught on a dead branch and he stumbled forward, but Will grabbed his arm and helped him stand up properly. The two shared a soft smile as they continued, following Hopper.

They had already seen the dust-snow, the smoke and the helicopters from the hill.

Why is it happening now? Mike wondered.

Why not immediately after Max had 'died'? Why not right after she had gotten revived?

He had so many questions, and like always, they all filled his head in an instant, thousands of words overlapping each other in the small space called his head.

"You okay?" Will whispers, gently tugging on Mike's pinkie finger.

Mike turned and look at him, smiling again. "Of course, why wouldn't I be?" He asks, just as soft. He believed Will deserved the world, and Mike would gladly hand it over just to keep that smile on his face.

"You look a little queasy," Will pointed out. His eyes widen slightly. He points at Mike's nose. "Your nose is bleeding!"

"What?" Mike questions, touching the tip of his finger to his nostril, coming back red. He remembered the symptoms Max had explained about Vecna, but he couldn't be. He couldn't.

Will seemed to have a similar thought process. "Max said-" He starts, but is interrupted with a hand wave.

"It's fine, it's just the weather," Mike dismisses.

His best friend with pretty eyes gave his a concerned look, but nodded and didn't pry further.

The two boys caught up with Hopper and the rest of the group after Mike had finished cleaning his nose, a small trail of red on his dark sleeve.

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