The Family Video Conversations

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{I got this idea from something on Pinterest but now I can't find it, sorry.}

{Hawkins Indiana, Family Video Store, 1:00 pm}

Third Person POV:

Steve was tending to a customer when the bell rings, the door opening to reveal Will Byers. He looks around before locking eyes with Robin, who was free to talk.

"What's on your mind today?" She says.

Will fiddled with his fingers. "I mean, school was boring today." He mumble-said.

Robin raises her eyebrow. "And after school?"

Will blinks, before jumping right to the point. "Okay so, you know Mike right?" He says, before shaking his head. "Of course you- never mind. Anyway, Mike, he was with me earlier okay? And we were all playing DnD with Eddie, and Eddie said that, when I was like, almost dead, that 'only a kiss from a Paladin will cure him'!" He began talking faster and faster. "Can you believe him? Anyway everyone turned to Mike, and he just glanced at me! Then he actually shrugged and said he would do it!!" Will said. Robin nodded and he followed her around the store as she checked some things.

"And- and he- He kissed me!!" Will said, growing as red as a tomato. "Well, on the cheek, but still!"

Robin gave him a smug look and Steve popped up next to them, raising his eyebrows.

"And you still think he's straight?" Steve said.

Will started burning up red and began stuttering again. "No- I mean how do I- well.. He never said he was ga- but he never said straight either.." He stuttered. "It's- It's- It's Mike! He'll never like me." He finishes glumly.

Robin and Steve exchange glances. Steve places a hand on Will's shoulder, causing him to look up.

"I'll be honest, Nancy was never good at showing and expressing her feelings." He says. "It's probably a Wheeler trait. But Mike, he really adores you. It's kinda funny how obvious you both are."

Will thinks about it and slowly nods.

The next day, Mike was the one to barge in, loudly. He placed himself in a seat on the other side of the counter and immediately began to ramble. Steve sighed and tried to listen.

"-and then Eddie said I needed to kiss Will!" He somehow got to after half an hour of talking so fast Steve could barely make out it all. "Why would he make me do that? And he looked so smug when he said it, I think I made Will uncomfortable, but he also kinda smiled. I used to be able to know what he was thinking so easily, but now it's like he's a stranger sometimes! That reminds me of something that happened in between fifth and sixth period, I was walking Will to class and a girl came up to him and started.. flirting." Mike looked a mix of flabbergast, shock, disgust, worry, and annoyance.

"She was obviously trying to get under my skin, she kept looking at me the entire time!" He continued. "She twirled her hair and started telling Will she was 'in his science class' and 'they should hang out some time'! Like, why does she think she can just come up and hang out with Will? They're not friends, I don't think, but we're supposed to hang out today!"

Mike apparently heard how he was obsessing with Will and abruptly stopped, then continued again. "Well, I mean, it's not like I like him. Or her. I'm not jealous!" He badly defends. "Well, you never said anything about Will, because I'm not gay. I can't be, and you know that." He pauses again. "I can't be fucking queer!"

Then he stands up, grabs his backpack and heaves it over his shoulders before shoving the door open and disappearing on the street.

Robin and Steve glance at each other again.

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