I'm Not Special

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{Wheeler's House. Hawkins, Indiana. 1986}


"Mike, go to your room," Ted says, sounding disinterested and annoyed at the same time.

The boy glares at his father. "I didn't do anything!" He says, clenching his hands into fists at his sides. "I'm not to blame for that! I didn't do it!"

"Are you questioning me?" Ted sneers, turning his full gaze to Mike, making him feel small and helpless, like he did when he was younger. "Go. To. Your. Room."

"Ted, calm down," Karen says. "This is unreasonable, no one has any evidence on-"

Ted shoves his wife to the side. "This boy needs to learn discipline," He says, taking a step toward Mike. "I won't pay for the food of a sissy."

Mike stiffens, tears pricking in his eyes. He runs out of the room, up the stairs, and into Nancy's bedroom. She gasps when Mike wraps her into a hug, but hugs back and whispers soothing words into Mike's ear until he calms down.

"He hates me.." Mike mumbles, sniffling back tears. "I mean, who wouldn't? I'm unlovable.."

Nancy shakes her head. "No, you know that's not true," She whispers, stroking the top of Mike's hair. "I love you, your friends love you, Mom and Holly love you. Dad's just.. difficult."

Mike sniffles again. "No, everyone hates me," He mumbles, clutching Nancy's arms. "I'm stupid, and difficult, and immature, and-"

"Don't say that, don't quote Dad at me," Nancy says. "You're perfect."

Mike lets out a muffled sob into Nancy's shirt. Nancy continues murmuring reassuring things into her brother's ear and comforting him for the next hour. She knew how to handle his episodes.

Her brother dozed off in her arms, so she picked him up to set him in her bed and pulled the covers over him. She wipes off the excess tears and smiles.

Nancy continues doing her homework as she waits for Mike to wake up.

When he does, Mike stretches his arms and legs, yawning. "Thanks Nancy," He mutters as he sits up, rubbing his eyes to get rid of the sleep.

"No problem," Nancy says, turning to smile at him. "Just remember to not let Dad get to you."

Mike gives her a strained smile, and leaves the room. Once Mike shut his door, he crumpled to the ground, back against the door with his head in his hands. He choked back a sob, his thoughts bombarding him again.

Sissy. Freak. Faggot. Fairy. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak. Freak.

He sniffled back a sob again, trembling. He gasps, his breath uneven and shaky. His chest heaves up and down and tears slip quickly down his face and his hand scrambled up to grab the doorknob. The door swung open and Mike stumbled down the hallway, trying to control his breathing.

Mike shuts the bathroom door and locks it, before hunching over the toilet and spilling his guts. He sobs again, clutching his stomach.

"Mike? Are you okay there? I heard some noises," Karen says, knocking on the door.

The boy gulps. "Yeah, all good," He yells, trying to keep his voice even. Karen leaves and Mike sighs, moving to the sink to wash his face.

I can't do this anymore.

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