Sauna Test But Different

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{Hawkins Indiana Community Pool. 10:00 pm}

Third Person POV:

Billy was in the empty pool showers. The cold water was on, cooling him down after sitting on the lifeguard stand for so long.

He turns the shower off and leaves to go to his locker, grabbing a towel and drying himself.

A loud clang brings Billy attention.

"The pool's closed." He says. When the clanging doesn't stop, he gets angry, slamming the locker shut. "Hey! You hear me?"

He walks down the hall to the exit, pushing against it, but it doesn't open. He bangs on the door and then the lights go out.

"Billy~!" Mike says in a singsong voice somewhere farther inside the pool area.

Billy turns around and starts walking towards the voice. "Who's there?" He yells out.

"Billy~!" Mike says again.

"Who's there?" Billy replies in the same voice.

He starts busting open shower stalls. No one was there. Then he goes to the locker area.

"You think this is funny?" Billy says darkly.

Mike's laughter echoes throughout the pool area, still a disembodied voice. "Billy! Come and find me." He says.

"I find you, it's your funeral." Billy replies.

"Come and get me, come on!" Mike taunts.

Passing by the sauna, Billy saw a figure in the hot room. "Got you." He says, a crazed grin spreading across his face.

"Come and get me you piece of shit." Mike taunts again.

Billy busts open the sauna door, grabbing the figure by the throat and lifting it up in the air. He blinks in surprise when he realizes it's just a doll with a walkie across its chest.

"Hey!" Mike says. "Behind you."

Billy turns.

El was standing there. "Hi." She says before throwing him against the sauna wall with her telekinesis.

The group rushes in and Mike turns on the lights. El uses her powers to close the door and Mike shuts it, letting Will wrap the chain around and lock it.

Billy starts banging on the door before he locks eyes with Max.

"Max?" He says, ever so softly.

Max stared at him, a queasy feeling in her stomach. "Do it." She says.

Will cranks up the temperature.

"Max! Let me out of here!" Billy yells. "Let me out." He takes a deep breath. "You kids... you think this is funny? You think this is some kind of sick prank, huh?" He spits on the glass. "You little shits think this is funny?"

Will and Max lock eyes.

"What is this? Open the door." Billy yells, banging harder on the door. "Open the door! Open the door. Open the goddamn door!" He then ducks out of view.

Will checks the sauna temperature from where he was crouching. "We're at 220." He says.

Billy starts crying, saying it wasn't his fault. Max approaches the sauna door and looks inside with a disturbed expression. Billy continues to plead about how he was not to blame. Max and him exchange a few concerning words.

Will then feels the goosebumps crawl up his neck. Mike glances at him and notices.

Max continues to cry for Billy, trying to reassure him.

Stranger Things One-shots :)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz