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"Hwa you know I hate it when you hide from mommy." Seonghwas breath hitched as he realized she was now growing closer to the drawing room.

"Hmm." Her footsteps could be heard amongst  the low crackling of the fireplace.

"I know you're hereee."

He carefully took the fire poker into his hands and stretched so that the tip of it met the fire. He ended up stretching too far and the poker fell from his hands and hit the floor.

"Gotcha." She smirked as the sound met her ears  and made her way over to the couch where Seonghwa had been hiding behind.

As soon as she crawled onto it and reached for his hair he picked up the firepoker from the ground and dug it straight into her eye. She screamed in agony and he took the opportunity to get up and run from the room.

"You horrible Wretched boy."

Seonghwa didnt turn back just continued to run only to bump into hongjoong and immediately fall flat on his ass.

"Come on." Hongjoong yanked him to his feet and pulled him over to the staircase where they both found themselves running back down into the basement. He slammed the door shut and ordered Seonghwa to start up the furnace.

"As high as it can go, we're ending this tonight."

"You selfish brat, I gave you everything. I gave you everything and you left me." Hongjoongs eyes shot to Seonghwa who was struggling to get the fire to max level heat.

"I gave you treats to stuff that horrid face of yours and this is how you repay mommy?"

She slammed the door open causing Hongjoong to fly into a nearby wall with a groan. There she stood her tall figure now towering over Hwa with black liquid spilling from her eye.

"You're going to stay here with me, this time I won't allow any running away." She immediately grabbed Seonghwa by his neck, digging her nails into his flesh earning a yelp from him. As he struggled to remove himself from her grip she inhaled as if taking him and his entire essence into her. Her eyes met his and laughed at his desperation. As he found himself getting more and more lightheaded she immediately dropped him to the ground with a loud shriek as fire spread from the bottom of her dress to the top.

Seonghwa through blurred vision caught sight of hong joong with a lighter in his hand.

He immediately lifted hwa from the ground and stumbled his way out of the room all while trying to ignore the pain in his own side.

"Come back here!" She shouted through screams of agony, the pain in her voice was evident as the fire spread.

"Come back here don't leave me alone."

Hongjoong ignored her desperate cries and pushed past the staircase door.  This time he locked it, he made sure to lock it, they wouldnt make the same mistake they did the first time. As he pushed past the now broken glass door with seonghwa on his arm he searched around for the others.

"YUNHO BURN IT, BURN IT NOW." The others had been at the front of the house nervously waiting for Hongjoong to return with Seonghwa when they heard Joongs cue. The 15 minutes of waiting for them had felt like hours with all of the nerves that were building up within them.

As Yunho heard Hongjoong yelling he didnt hesitate in lighting every match in the box before letting them hit the ground. They all watched as the fire spread and hongjoong peared from the side of the house carrying hongjoong over to him and the others.

"Where are Yeosang and Wooyoung?" Hongjoong looked around in a panic when he realized the two were missing.

"Yeosang went to get his granfather away from the estate and San went to warn his grandmother and aunt. Don't worry they're safe." Yunho took Seonghwa on his shoulder and Hongjoong immediately fell to the ground clutching his side and trying to catch his breath.

Together they watched as the flames engulfed the manor and it burned to the ground


"This feels like some sick deja vu." Yunho chuckles as they were all moving things out of the truck and into the large house.

It had taken a year for the estate to be built anew. This time a home to house all eight of the boys and two smaller homes for Yeosangs grandfather and San and Wooyoungs aunts.

"Only this time let's hope there are no creepy witches that want to kill us or ghost children running around." Mingi groans as he carried a few boxes of his own into the house.

"If it does happen again I mean at least we have experience." Yeosang chuckles as he had sat upon the poarch reading a book, already having bought all of his belongings in the house.

"What you reading?"  San peaked behind his friend trying to take a look at the book his friend held in his hand

"Coraline, it's a book about a little girl that finds a little door in her house and finds another world on the other side."

"Well I think we already know how that ends." Hongjoong chimes in earning a laugh from the others.

"And I think we've had enough of such things today." Seonghwa plucks the book from Yeosangs hands earning a 'awwe' from the boy.

"I made lunch, everyone get inside and eat before it gets cold."

Everyone made their way inside and it was loud as always, as they all took a seat at the dinner table and began to stuff their face a little black cat crawled beneath the table and nuzzled its head against hongjoongs legs before taking a seat.

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