Chapter 4

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The next morning each of the guys went their separate ways, Mingi found himself exploring the garden out back, Yunho and Jongho had gone out into the town to search for a job that actually interested them in the small old town. This meant that once again seonghwa had been left in his home alone. After unpacking the boy had grown bored and decided that he'd explore the rest of the house. It had been so long since he walked those halls and he couldnt seem to pull a single memory from anywhere in his head. As seonghwa made his way down the hallway his eyes had landed on a space beneath the stairwell, the wallpaper had been peeling and he could have sworn he could make out what looked to be a door. He drew closer and as he reached out his hand to brush across the wall he heard a faint whisper and then there was a knock at the door. He chalked it up to him simply hearing things and made his way up front to open it.  As he swung the door open there stood hongjoong with a smile on his face.

"Hello there mars~'' he greets him in a sing-song voice before pushing past him and into the house.

"Are you seriously back to calling me that again?'' Seonghwa groans at the use of his old nickname, one that Hongjoong had used to greet him ever since they were children.

"For as long as we know each other yes, I plan on using it for the rest of our lives.'' Hongjoong laughs as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Used grandmas recipe made bibimbap, kimbap, kimchi and tteokboki, figured you guys hadn't had time to grocery shop yet and since she didnt add the proportions to her recipe book i accidentally made enough for at least ten.'' he laughs as he places all of the food into the fridge.

"Thanks no matter the amount i'm more than sure Mingi, Yunho and Jongho will be grateful they could eat for days.'' he laughs as he rests his head on his palms.

"Hongjoong, was there any construction or something done to the house while I was away?'' Seonghwas question earns a confused glance from his old friend.

"Construction? No I don't think so why?''

"Well I was taking a look around the house and the staircase, it seems like someone blocked off something.'' hongjoong pressed his lips into a thin line, he was well aware of what hid behind the wall but he refused to tell Seonghwa, so he found himself struggling to come up with a lie, any sort of lie when the front door opened and in walked Jongho and Yunho. Hongjoong immediately sighed and thanked the gods.

"Ah Hongjoong you're here today.'' Yunho sang happily as he took a seat at the counter beside Seonghwa.

"Yes yes, I came to drop off some food how was the job search?'' Hongjoong avoided Seonghwas gaze knowing very well that he had been waiting for him to answer the question.

"Well I start my job at the daycare in a week and Jongho here will be working at the theater with Wooyoung and San." he cheerfully pinches Jonghos cheeks earning a glare from the latter.

"Well this calls for a celebration, yes? How about we go out tonight grab food and some drinks  at the old pub across the street from drearylane park?'' Hongjoongs suggestion got immediate yeses from both jongho and Yunho who nudged seonghwa to get excited for it as well. Seonghwa on the other hand had been too lost in his thoughts wondering why Hongjoong had avoided his question. Ever since seonghwa had arrived back there hongjoong seemed to be acting weird

Very short chapter her but at least im getting more of this written finally

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