Chapter 15

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Seonghwa quietly observed as they all scrambled to gather the main things they needed, whatever was most important before going to shove it into the truck. They were unaware that while they made haste to evacuate the land Seonghwa had other plans, plans that he refused to involve him in, he wanted no one else getting involved in a mess that he had made.

"Youre not going are you?" Hongjoong appeared beside his friend, joining him as he watched his friends pack up the car.

"I can't Hongjoong, this has to end it needs to." He sighs and turns to his friend.

"I know, which is why I'm not letting you do it alone." Hongjoong took Seonghwas hand into his own and locked their fingers together.

"We ended it together the first time and this time we'll really end it. You can't convince me not to either, whether I like it or not i'm already part of this because of that night." Seonghwa said nothing, he simply stares at his friend and wonders, what had he done to earn a friendship like this?

"Everythings packed and ready to go." Yunho now stood joining Hongjoong and Seonghwa in the foyer and the others followed. They noticed that Seonghwa was the only one that hadnt really moved a muscle.

"Hwa?" Mingi glances down at he and Hongjoongs hands.

"I won't be leaving with you guys. We've got some business to take care of here and I need you guys to leave all of you." He scans over all of his friends.

"You three as well." Hongjoong chimes in earning shocked glances from San, Wooyoung and Yeosang.

"Wait what?" It was now all of their turn to speak.

"What the hell makes you think we'll leave you here alone."

"Yunho i'm not involving either of you in this, i refuse to have any of you put in harms way." Seonghwa sighs

"Why is Hongjoong not included in us? Why's he staying?" San vocalizes

"Because i'm already part of this, I made the decision to help him when we were younger and i've had to deal with those nightmares. I'll be damned if I let him end this alone." Hongjoongs words made San fall silent, but it was then that Wooyoung spoke.

"Whether you wanted to or not we were all dragged into this the moment we stepped onto the estate, my aunts removed the memories, Yeosangs grandfather knows of it all, both Mingi and Jongho have either seen or sensed some sort of presence near. We're already in this. I'm helping." Both San and Yeosang nod at his words.

"We're staying too." Yunho chimes in earning a nod from Jongho but silence from Mingi. Jongho was quick to nudge him with his elbow.

"What!? Why do I have to stay? You guys got this." Mingi whines

"Song Mingi." Was all Yunho said, this earned a huff from Mingi and he squats down to the floor with a whine.

"Fine, FUCKING FINE." Seonghwa looked around at all of them, they were willing to throw themselves into danger just for him and Hongjoong, he didn't know What to say.

"Well don't just sit there staring you two you can thank us for saving your ass later, tell us where we need to start, what's the plan?" Jongho spoke up and the others gathered closely

"Well your Aunts said that in order for me to end this in order for me to get rid of her not only do I need the necklace and the key but, I need something that belonged to the children she killed in the past, when we find that, we burn it all to set them free."

"Where the hell would we even find whatever it is that belonged to these children?"

"I don't know but I think it's better if we talk in a place that's not here." Hongjoong looks around at the old house and the others nod in agreement.

As they approached the door before the only three that made it out were Hongjoong, Mingi and Jongho before the door slammed shut.

"Shit, nonono." Hongjoong scrambled to get the door open only growing frustrated when it wouldn't budge.

"FUCK. Seonghwa are you guys alright." He calls out wanting to know that the rest of them were okay in there.

Meanwhile on the other side of the door the lights shut out completely and soft whispers could be heard admist the empty halls.

"Shit this is bad." Yunho stood guard around the four of them as Seonghwa struggled to get the door open.

"Shit." Seonghwa frustratedly bangs his fist across the door.

"FUCK. Seonghwa are you guys alright."

"Hongjoong we're running out of time, take Mingi and Jongho and go find the key and the necklace." The whispers grew louder.

"What about you guys?!" Mingi screams back from the other side of the door.

"Mingi just go, we'll look for the childrens stuff just go with Hongjoong we'll be fine." And then they were left with no choice but to split up. Hongjoong lead the two into the woods all while the other five stayed gathered together in the house.

"Split up now! Wooyoung you and Yunho go find a way out San and Yeosang we search for whatever it is that we need I know just where to start." Seonghwa pulls his phone from his pocket and aims it at the staircase.

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