Chapter 14

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"What about the ghost children he's been seeing..Mingi well Mingi saw one of them too.'' The sisters shared a look.

"They're getting restless, if it has now gotten to a point where others can see them then...the wave is bigger than just Seonghwa now, they've been trapped within this town for years..Seonghwa was the only one to have gotten away from her yet he is still marked, they're waiting for him, they've been waiting all this time.'' Mrs. Spinks voice turned serious.

"Mr. Bobinsky..he said..he said the mice told him that she and the children were still there..still in that house.'' Seonghwa spoke, looking over at yeosang who had now come to realize his grandfather was not crazy nor had he been schizophrenic, the entire time he was simply telling the truth.

"Seonghwa you need to find that necklace, find the key and leave that house immediately.'' Mrs. spinks tone now worried not only him but the others as well. As if a lightbulb had flickered to light in Hongjoongs head he immediately stood from his seat.

"Jongho.'' at the mention of their dear friend every one of them stood from their seat and ran from the door, all aside from Seonghwa who stayed behind for one last question.

"How do I do do i get rid of her..?'' The two sisters looked at one another before giving seonghwa a piece of paper.

"Free the children, find their belongings and once you have that as well as the necklace and the key then you burn that house Seonghwa burn it to the ground and read this incantation. Her bind to this world will be lost and whatever deal she has made, she'd have failed to pull through with her end of the bargain. If others can see the spirits if others can sense their presence than seonghwa you don't have much time, hurry.'' With that seonghwa slipped the paper into his pocket before leaving the house. The sisters both looked to one another before looking back at the door where all of them had left

While everyone else had left to speak with wooyoung and sans grandmother jongho found himself aimlessly walking the halls. Jongho was the only one that wasn't afraid to be in the house alone and well that was only because he didn't believe in any of it, he hadn't really seen anything to make him believe it either. After searching around and finding nothing he decided to go take a shower and freshen up before the others returned to the house. It had felt like hours passed before he finally heard what sounded like a door closing and footsteps outside of his door.

"About time you guys get here can we get food? I'm starving.'' he whined as he made his way to the door only to find that the hallway was empty.

" guys are really playing out this whole ghost thing I see . I'll play along.'' Jongho rolled his eyes as he made his way down the stairs. Behind him he heard a set of footsteps again and what sounded like childrens whispers. Okay now he was just getting annoyed.

"You jackasses are seriously playing this out? It's just annoying.'' it was then he heard it again, the whispers and he felt a rush of cold wind brush across his neck that sent a chill up his spine. He then heard a knock and his eyes shot to the stairwell where it seemed to have been coming from upstairs, but as he made his way up there was another knock, this one seeming to have come from downstairs. At this point he was getting fed up. Stomping his way back down the stairs he found himself following the faint sounds of the knock which only ended with him standing at the wall at the bottom of the staircase.

"What..what the fuck.''

His eyes scanned over the wall that seemed to be hiding something behind it, his eyes shot to the bottom corner of the wall where the wallpaper seemed to have been peeling slightly, not thinking anything of it he peeled the wallpaper back revealing a small door that had been hidden behind it, no doorknob just a simple keyhole. As his fingers brushed over the keyhole the door slammed open behind him and ran Hongjoong.

"Jongho get away from that door.'' Jonghos eyes widened, he had thought that they were in here the whole time that this was all some sort of group orchestrated prank or weird roleplay. He thought that they had all been here messing with him but the whole time they were alone in the house.

"Get your stuff, all of it, we're leaving.'' yunho pushed past hongjoong before running upstairs to gather his things, Mingi not too far behind.

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