Chapter 13

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"Her name was Cordelia Deirdre, she was once a beautiful woman...well known by those in the town..she once owned the land that the estate including the manor now stands. The woman was always happy, greeting the town and helping any of those in need. She had no children of her own but she always treated the children in town with love and care, but it wasn't enough for her she wanted children of her own. The woman had made a deal with the devil, one malicious and evil deal that no one had been aware of but her. She was willing to do whatever she needed to if it meant she would finally have a family of her own but her acts were horrible....full of malice. In order to be graced with the gift of having her own child the devil made a promise to her that if he delivered to him three children and sacrificed them he would grace her with the ability to birth a child. She would lure the children to her home knowing that they trusted her and stuff them with all the food their heart desired. In order to fulfill her quest she would need to eat the heart of the third child and it would bless her with fertility. She was only able to take one child before the town became aware of what she had done. They deemed her a witch and that night they made the decision to hang her but before they could she cursed her land, said she had unfinished business and then killing her wouldn't stop her from fulfilling it. After they hung her they prepared to burn her body but the fire spread....spread from the town square like a wildfire. They were able to stop it from burning down the entire town but...unfortunately them burning her didn't stop what would come after because she had already cursed her land.''

"The old town fire, the one hongjoong was telling us about.'' Yunho spoke up earning a nod from Mrs. Spink

"Everyone believed that it was over that the children were safe and the threat was gone...until the second child went missing in the 1900s...Hongjoongs aunt.'' All eyes shot to Hongjoong and he too was stunned at the fact that was now being told to him.

"Your grandmother..she had a sister right?" at her words Hongjoong simply nodded.

"Althenea was her name, she found the old belongings of cordelia, an old necklace that belonged to her when she lived a long time ago now of course i don't know the details of what happened to her all i know are the newspaper reports and old article there are about her having gone missing in the old library. For years they called your grandmother crazy, made her thing she didn't know what she had been talking about when she spoke of 'the woman in black' but the entire town was well aware of who she spoke of, they chose to bury their past.''

"So how does seonghwa tie into all of this?'' Yeosang was the only person to ask.

"Seonghwa..well Seonghwa was the one that got away, the one she couldn't quite lure. When Hongjoong found that necklace it opened the floodgates once more and as soon as seonghwa came in contact with it she could sense him. He was what she needed, the final child that would lead to her getting everything that he'd desire but she didn't factor in Seonghwas friendship with Hongjoong or his true family. She offered Seonghwa to stay correct?'' The sister asks Hwa , earning a nod from him.

"Seonghwa rejected his offer because of his family, because of his friendship with hongjoong. And the simple fact that he wasn't all too sure he trusted her. SEonghw had gone to Bobinsky a few times thinking he was just an old mice man that imagined his mice talked and sang and danced when in reality he had been given many warnings from both he and us...warnings to steer clear of the little door but of course we had gotten to him too late, or so we thought. Although he was late, Seonghwa had taken our warnings into consideration when the woman spoke of keeping him there forever, of him always being with her. But seonghwa got away, he got away and she grew desperate. When Seonghwa escaped he had broken the seal on the door without even having known. He went to get rid of the door key, to get rid of the necklace but she had found him and made it hard for him until hongjoong appeared and helped him. You were supposed to be her last, you were the very thing she needed but then your parents showed up and asked us to clear your mind of any memory of the place, your father seemed almost desperate for us to. You left that day and it left her alone..Hongjoong had never gone to the house since then and when he had he always steered clear of the door. You've returned and though you are no longer a child you were the last child she had come in contact with. She's been waiting.''

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