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Omniscient POV,

"Yo Marsaii? Wake up bro" he pokes her arm, waiting for a response. She yawns loudly, "go to sleep or something" Jadon picks up a pillow, hitting her head with it making her wake up with an angry look on her face.

She blinks trying to focus her eyes, "this better be worth it because I'm not in the mood for anything" she looks up at Jadon, he's got a small blue gift bag in his hands, she looks closer at it and reads the words "Tiffany & Co" out loud.

A smile creeps onto her face and she shifts herself to sit up with her legs crossed, "what's that Jay?" He smiles and pulls a small box out of the bag , "I got you this necklace, I know we-you've been through a lot but I'm actually going to try to make this work, all I need to know is that you would be willing to do that too"

"Marsaii I want you to put this necklace on, never take it off, even if we're fighting, even if you hate me, as long as you have it on I'll know that your heart is still mine, I'll know I still have a reason to fight for us"

She scrunches her nose up, "that's actually really cute, I know we're in America and stuff but enough with the cheesy speeches" he laughs, "so you don't want the necklace yeah?"

She rolls her eyes, snatching the box from him and opening it, revealing a simplistic golden chain, Marsaii looks up at Jadon, "all of this talk for a simple chain?"

His smile slightly fades, "do you not like it? It was actually hard choosing, we can swap it?"

A grin crawls on her face as she pulls him into a hug, "I'm joking, this is so cute, I love you" he lightly holds her, "I'll be real, you stink go shower or something, gah damn"

"I've been asleep, apologies for not showering the moment my eyes are open" she steps off the bed laughing while walking, she pauses for a minute while she's stood up.

A sharp pain is stabbing her in the stomach, he turns to look at her, "you good?" She rolls her shoulders and nods, "yea don't worry"

She walks to the bathroom, shutting the door behind her and taking her shirt off and looking at the marks all over her stomach.

She sighs and starts the shower, waiting for the air to steam the room.Her breath slowly becomes heavy, her head feeling heavy enough to sink the rest of her down.

Slowly Marsaii sits down looking at her hands, shaking, she feels herself tear yet again.

All she's done is cry, that's all she can do, that's all she wants to do.

A soft knock is placed on the other side of the door, "Marsaii are you okay? I'm right here if you need me?"

She sniffles, wiping her eyes and standing up. She walks to the door and opens it with Jadon on the other side, his eyes have nothing but pity in them.

A part of him thinks it's his fault, who in their right mind would let a woman go back to her crazy ex's room alone?

It's a stupid thing to do and all because he decided not to stay with her, she's never going to forget, she's always going to have that trauma in his head.

With no one to blame but himself.

He pulls her into a small hug while they slowly descend to the ground as she begins to shake and cry even more,

She keeps her head in his chest while he keeps a close grip on her,

She whispers to herself repeatedly,

"It's going to be okay,
I'm going to be okay."

"Let's go out, New York is a beautiful place" she looks up at Jadon and shrugs her shoulders, "are you asking me on a date or something?"

"It doesn't have to be, I don't mind but I just can't stay in this hotel room any longer, it's making my fucking head hurt" he picks up her shoes, clean white airforces that are now heavily creased at the front.

She looks down at the shoes and puts them on, giving Jadon a soft smile once she's finished. She's wearing a full body camo green jumpsuit with one of Jadons hoodies and a black coat ontop. It's one of the only things she still has because Marcus destroyed most of her stuff.

While standing in the mirror leaning forward to touch up her mascara Jadon creeps behind her, grabbing her waist and pulling her closer to him.

She chuckles, "you actually play too much, behave Jay" his hands crawl around her stomach as she stands up straight with his chin in her neck. He grabs the golden necklace infront of them, she lifts her hair as he puts the chain around her neck.

For a minute they pause, both looking in the mirror, looking at eachother he places a kiss on her cheek and grabs her bag and her hand, walking out the door.

"Do you want to take the stairs? I don't mind" she looks up at him and smiles, "yea thanks" they walk down and arrive outside.

Jadon leads her into an Uber, "where are we going?" He shrugs his shoulders with a confused face trying to hide his smile she rolls her eyes, the city lights shine brightly. Outside the window, they drive past all kinds of shops and restaurants.

People arguing on the side of the road, some doe eyed staring at eachother.

It's the one thing both of them love about huge cities like this.

Everyone's going through different things all at the same time and they'll never know.

The car stops and Jadon leads her out, holding her hand and keeping her close to him. She looks up at the tall sky scraper infront of her.

He turns to look at her mesmerised, his eyes don't care for anyone else but her.

She's all he needs, all his heart needs. He knows in his head, eventually they'll have to talk and figure out everything but he doesn't care for that. He only cares for her.

He only cares if she's happy, if she's angry, if she's smiling. He only cares if she's safe.

He failed to keep her safe once,
He won't forgive himself if he ever fails again.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me or can we go in?" She snaps her fingers infront of his face making him turn to look at her.

They enter the building and are given wristbands, a man leads them to a huge glass elevator. Marsaii's hand tightens around Jadons, "we can leave if you want?" He whispers she turns to him and slowly shakes her head.

"No it's okay, just please don't move?" He nods, holding her closer to him.

The room is slightly empty, Jadon notices a tall dark figure but ignores them, he probably doesn't know them anyway.

The pair of them walk to the window, taking a picture before Marsaii leans her head on Jadon's, interlocking their fingers together, he places a slow, long kiss on her lips and smiles.

They stare out at the view in awe,

Jadon turns his head slightly, his eyes meeting someone else's across the room.

They continue to stare at eachother,

A small grin appearing on his face.

>Authors note
>sorry I've been away
>my phone got taken💔
>lmk what you think
>I've missed you guys
>ops in the comments
>vote  and follow
>4 chaps left


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