21,tears fall

251 9 15

*listen along with the chapter if you'd like🫶🏽

Omniscient POV,

She walks into his room,tears creeping down her face,he welcomes her with a long silent hug.

A hug that's telling her she doesn't need to explain if she doesn't want to, a hug that's slowly making her feel better.

"You don't have to explain anything, I'm here for you okay?" She nods while crying slightly into his chest.

"Can I sleep here tonight?" He nods, "I'll sleep on the floor? You take my bed" she furrows her brows slightly, "we can share the bed it's okay"

He smiles awkwardly, "only if you're comfortable" she shrugs her shoulders, "yea it's fine"

They lay next to eachother in bed, Marcus spooning her closely to him. "Goodnight Marsaii"

"Night Marcus"

Marsaii doesn't know what she's supposed to think or feel.

Sure she's slowly getting over Aniyah and Oakely.

She understands that even though they hurt, she didn't need them to survive,

Jadon however...

That's a different story, for more reason than one,

He's the last person she'd expect, the person she genuinely tried to open up to,

But even with that, he still did it anyway, he still hurt her and he probably feels glad he did it,

Just like everyone else, he's probably proud he hurt her and there's nothing she can do other than sit and wonder, why?

Why does it have to be her?

She did feel the same when it happened with Oakely, only because someone was there.

Oakley betrayed her but Jadon made her forget about that, he made her feel like all she needed was him and she'd be okay.

Jadon was there,

Jadon has always been there,

Even after she swore she hated him,

Even after she swore she never loved him,

Even after she hit and screamed at him,

Even after she ignored him,

He stayed, right there next to her.

But now what?

Now she actually thinks she does love him,

Now she can't even force herself to hate him,

Now she's crying in the arms of someone who she knows deserves better,

Now she's stuck with no one but him on her mind,

He was meant to stay, right there next to her,

So where is he now?

Marsaii POV,

I move out of Marcus' grip slowly and walk to the toilet grabbing my phone on the way.

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