17,not needed

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Omniscient POV,

"Hey Marsaii" Aniyah stands there, infront of her with a smile on her face. Marsaii, stands in confusion and watches as she gives her a hug. Jadon stands closely to her and watches as Aniyah moves as if nothings happened.

The paparazzi and crowd get bored of the interaction and walk away, leaving the three together.

"Aniyah im not joking, get your dirty ass hands off me right now" she laughs, "girl stop playing,we're best friends"

She pushes Aniyah of her, giving her a hard punch in the face, "Marsaii it's time to move now" Jadon grabs her before she can further hit her again. Aniyah follows behind them as Jadon carries Marsaii over his shoulder to stop her.

"Marsaii just talk to me" Aniyah pleads, "Yo Aniyah, can you leave? I'm helping you right now even after you did my man Jude dirty so take the favour yeah?"

She rolls her eyes and continues to follow, "Jadon let me down I swear" she kicks her legs trying to slip out of his grip, "Marsaii you don't have the time for her"

"Just trust me?" Aniyah stops and watches as Jadon let's her down slowly, whispering in her ear, "I'll leave you for five minutes before assuming you've killed someone" she nods and watches he walks away.

"You have 30 seconds before I jump your sorry ass" she stands with her arms crossed while Aniyah stares straight into her eyes.

"Speak then?" Marsaii's voice is stern, straightforward, cold. She knows somewhere in her heart she just wants this all to go away, she just wants her bestfriend back.

That part of her is slowly dying, she knows how Aniyah works, she knows her in and out. She knows Aniyah thinks before she does things, she looks for the consequences before acting.

Which means she knew what would've happened and she still went ahead and did it anyway.

"Look Marsaii, what I did was in excusable, I'm sorry okay" she stands there, looking at Aniyah with nothing in her eyes, nothing but disgust.

"Why'd you do it? One valid reason why you did it and I'll forgive you" she stands silent, "one valid reason why you did this to me?" her eyes well with tears, "don't fucking start crying" she moves closer to her, "you're fucking crying?"

She slaps her in the face, watching as she rubs her cheek, "still got nothing to say to me?" Marsaii smacks her again, "you fuck my boyfriend and you're crying?" She slaps her even harder again.

"Fucking talk you bitch" she shouts, watching as tears wash over Aniyah's face while Marsaii constantly smacks her. She moves ontop of Aniyah, hitting her and screaming the same thing.

"Just fucking talk to me" 

"You won't even hit back?" She laughs, "now you wanna be the bigger person?" Aniyah cries infront of her, "hit me back" Marsaii continues to hit her, letting everything out.

"You were there for everything, my mum, my dad, highschool, you slept in my bed, you helped me, you were like my sister and and you, you did this to me, why?"

Aniyah remains speechless, "why" she just stared back up at her, "why" she starts to hit her again, "why" her hits become more repetitive, more anger hidden in each one, "I don't know why Marsaii"

"You don't know?" She shakes her head, "you don't know?" Marsaii smiles, "oh okay that's fine" she takes a pause, "there's not much I can do if you don't know" she punches Aniyah in the face, "if I hit your head hard enough the reason will come to mind, yea?"

Jadon hears these screams and walks out of his room to check, he sees Marsaii ontop of her and swiftly grabs her from behind, picking her up.

Marsaii screams and punches, "let me go" Jadon ignores her and starts to walk,holding her back. Her eyes begin to blur, flooding with tears and her voice begins to become hoarse, like someone's grabbed her throat and has no intention to let go of it, "I did everything for you, everything"

Aniyah stands infront of her, ashamed.

"I would've never done this to you, not even close, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I hate you" She screams and cries, anger in her eyes with Jadon putting her on the bed of their room, closing the door behind them.

Some would think it hurt her to see Aniyah's face again, especially after what's happened.

What else can she feel? Her bestfriend, someone she grew up with, cried with, mourned with, laughed with, smiled with. Aniyah was like her sister, someone she could count on when everyone else disappeared.

Aniyah stayed with her when everyone thought she was some slag through the whole of highschool.

Aniyah was there when Marsaii's mother was put in the ground and her father fell into drugs.

Aniyah was there when Marsaii's brother was killed, when she constantly cried for days on end.

Aniyah was there through everything, every high, low, mid-point. Every single stage of her life.

But still, with all of that, Aniyah lied to her bestfriend and killed a bond, a connection, a sisterhood.

All of that, for what?

For some man that probably never cared about either of them?

So when anyone assumes it would hurt her to see Aniyah's face, would be wrong.

It's in raging, infuriating, it angers her to know that they went through all of that and Aniyah happily hurt her with not even a sorry after.

Even if it meant the sorry was half hearted, or fully fake at all. Even if it meant the sorry was heartfelt and she really regret what she did.

However she would've meant it, she just wanted that sorry.

But she's not stupid enough to think she'd be getting that sorry from Aniyah. There's no valid reason on why she did this to her, or why the thought even crossed her mind. All she knows is Aniyah was her sister, now she's nothing but a bad memory.

>Authors note
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>idk how I feel abt this one 🥴
>thank you for reading
>I didn't proof read
>vote and follow please
>love you all🫶🏽🫶🏽

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