6, confusion

391 12 22

Omniscient pov,

3 weeks later

It's been just over 3 weeks since the kiss, no one actually knows what's going on between Jadon and Marsaii, they don't even know what's going on.

They kiss, they cuddle, they go on dates almost 24/7 which is cute but would be cuter if they were actually dating, which they're not.

Sure they've been doing this for a few weeks but there should be atleast some signal that there's something happening?

Jadons made it very clear, he's told everyone exactly how he feels about her, from the way she talks, the way her curves perfectly fit her clothes, her smile. He's even tried telling her but she can't take a hint.

She can take a hint, she knows full well how Jadon feels, but she'd rather die than have to properly tell someone she has a crush. Not because she's embarrassed by them, she just isn't the type to do that.

Unless they directly say it to her, she'll continue to act like she knows nothing & nothing knows her.

It takes a lot for her to trust someone enough to have a deep connection that she's actually showing signs in, the thing with Jadon hasn't reached that yet, maybe it will, not now.

For now she just wants to enjoy it, whatever 'it' is, nothing lasts forever.

Jadon POV,

"Bro I don't know what to say" Jude rolls his eyes, "just tell her you like her and want to be her boyfriend?" If I could do it that easily, I would, I really would.

But Marsaii isn't easy, it's one thing I really like and hate about her, only because I never know what to do. She never gives me any proper definite signs and I don't know if she actually wants a relationship with me.

I'm going to ask at some point, maybe? I don't know right now.

"It's not that simple, what if she says no?" Jude's about to reply and I hear my phone ring, 'Marsbar😔' "bro she's calling me right now"

"Answer it then you idiot" I answer the call, waiting for her to speak, "hey Jay, I was wondering if you'd wanna meet at mine right now? We haven't done our video anyways"

"I uh yea I'll leave in like 2 minutes" I look over at Jude who throws a pillow at my head, "see you in a bit, bye", I hear her slightly giggle on the other end of the phone, "bye Jay"

"So now you're just ditching me for nyash?" I laugh throwing the pillow back at him, "are we forgetting the way you and Aniyah are?" He's about to speak but shuts his mouth back, thinking on how to respond.

"Bro I'm begging you lock the door when you leave please" I pass him the spare key and open the door , "nyash warrior" I throw my middle finger up as I walk out.

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