Chapter 36: Stakes

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Gavi comes back in the room shirtless and smiling.

"What?" I demand with a laugh, leaning up on my elbows on his bed.

He shakes his head, closing his bedroom door behind him. "Nothing."

I throw a pillow at him. "Now you have to tell me."

He saunters across the room and over to me. "You know how part of Xavi's deal with you staying over was my parents have to be home?" Seeing as today is game day, yesterday I begged Xavi to let me sleepover at Gavi's, claiming it would be Xavi's fault if I played like shit if he doesn't let us. My uncle caved, making us promise Gavi's parents would be there all night. Of course we accepted those terms.


"Well they're heading out for a while, some sort of errands." He pushes the covers off of me and climbs on top of me, hovering his body over mine.

"Are they?" I ask, starting to get some ideas.

"Mhmm." He leans down and kisses me slowly. "And since it is no longer night we're not technically breaking Xavi's rule." He kisses me again.

I smile into the kiss. "I'm not sure Xavi would agree with that logic."

"Well he's not here."

"Good point." I put my hand behind his neck and pull him closer to me. I can feel the weight of Gavi's body against mine and it's comforting rather than suffocating. At some point with my hands in his hair I flip us over him so I'm on top of him.

I break away from the kiss, sitting up on his abdomen. He holds my waist as I pull my shirt off and toss it onto the floor before returning to his lips. Our tongues continue to mingle and his hands roam my body, I whisper his name into his mouth with shallow breaths.

"I've missed this," I tell him as he trails wet kisses down my neck.

"Me too," he breaths. "How long until we have to go?" This past week the moments like this we've had together have all been brief and on a timer. He'd push me up against the wall in the changeroom when everyone else left, but there was always that anxiety someone would walk in. Nobody's going to walk in on us here.

I glance over at the digital clock on his beside table. "Half an hour," I say with disappointment.

He sighs, his kisses lightening up. "We probably shouldn't go any further then."

I sigh too. "You're probably right." I slide off of him so I'm laying beside him, my head resting on his shoulder.

"Tonight," he promises. "If you still want to."

"You booked a hotel room?"


I lean over and kiss him again, slowly and passionately. "I still want to."

"Today's going to be amazing," he says with a smile.

I smile too. "Why's that?" I ask, knowing the answer but wanting to let him talk about it. The way he talks about the things he's passionate about could light up solar systems.

"First off I got to wake up next to you and your beautiful face," he starts, blushing a little. "Next we have a home game and the energy in Camp Nou is always spectacular. During that game, when," he emphasizes, "one of us scores, I get to let the whole world know you're mine. After winning the game---hopefully---we will make an appearance at Pedri's afterparty---mostly to enact our plan---and then I get to whisk you away and spend the whole night with you." He taps his index finger to my nose.

My smile grows. "Yeah you're right, today's going to be a great day."

The referee blows his whistle to tell the players to get on the pitch and Xavi finishes up giving us directions. I throw my water bottle towards the bench and turn back to the field where Gavi is waiting for me. When I make it over to him we walk onto the pitch together.

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